Payment Information

To give you the proper invoice, we kindly ask you to follow the following guidelines.


I.    If you need an invoice about your registration fee, please carefully follow the next steps:

  • First, the University of Pécs will write a prepayment request. To support this procedure, we need the following information: NAME OF THE COMPANY, ADDRESS OF THE COMPANY, TAX ID OF THE COMPANY AND THE NAME OF THE PARTICIPANT. If any of the data was missing, we could not start the process of the prepayment request.
  • Based on these data, the University of Pécs, write a prepayment request which will be mailed to the customer.
  • After the arrival of the prepayment request, you need to put the following information into the transfer notice: PTE KTK FFISC 430030 and the ordinal number of the prepayment request.
  • After the arrival of the money, the University of Pécs will send the invoice.
  • The process of the payment of the registration fee is finished.

 ( There is no opportunity to write you an invoice during the conference.)


II.    If you do not need an invoice, please follow the next steps:

  • In this case, you have to transfer the registration fee directly to the account of the University of Pécs from your private bank account. You need to put the following information into the transfer notice: PTE KTK FFISC 430030, I do not need an invoice
    Bank account number of the University of Pécs: 10024003-00282716-00000000.
    IBAN: HU86100240030028271600000000
  • In this case, the Financial Department of the University of Pécs, know that you do not need an invoice, so you do not get any receipt.
  • The process of the payment of the registration fee is finished.

(There is no opportunity for paying the registration fee during the conference with cash.)