The goal of the Regional Innovation and Entrepreneurship Research Center (RIERC) is the improvement of the efficiency of the workshop character of the research activities pursued for more than a decade at the Faculty of Business and Economics of the University of Pécs (FBE of UP), with positive feedbacks from the international and Hungarian professional circles, and the reinforcement of the visibility as a group.

RIERC integrates four research groups operating at the FBE of UP for many years and continuously interconnected in several fields. These are the following:
- Research group of regional innovation (econometrics examinations, analysis of innovation networks, agent based innovation researches),
- Group of regional business studies (elaboration of REDI, Regional Entrepreneurship and Development Index; researches on GEM, Global Entrepreneurship Monitor),
- Research group of small business competitiveness (small business and regional competitiveness surveys, elaboration of the small business competitiveness index),
- Research group for modelling development policies (working out of models analysing the economic impacts of regional innovation and sectoral policy interventions).
The work of the four research groups has been supported by several international and Hungarian research projects over the last decade and a half. The director of RIERC is Attila Varga, dr. The work of the director is assisted by the board of directors, whose members are Katalin Erdős, dr., Tamás Sebestyén, dr., Éva Somogyi-Komlósi, dr. and László Szerb, dr.