The programme has been awarded this prestigious accreditation for 3 years. Thus, UPFBE is now the only institution in Hungary to hold both the EFMD bachelor and master programme accreditation.
This success, which is the result of the hard and conscious work of the past years, is another important milestone on the road to internationalisation of the School.
"This recognition is incredibly valuable because such an accreditation process examines many aspects, most of them in great detail," said Dr. András Takács, Dean of the School, "Based on the material prepared in advance, the committee got to know the School and the degree programme under accreditation, its curriculum and professional-methodological solutions. The four-member committee spent several days asking questions and gathering information, and in addition to the faculty members and managers, they were also interested in the experiences of students, corporate experts who assist the programme, and colleagues who support teaching. I am proud to say that we passed the exam very well."
In addition to the areas for improvement identified, the EFMD committee repeatedly highlighted the strong and productive presence of corporate relations in the life of UPFBE and the programme. The presence of regional companies or even representatives of international, multinational corporations as lecturers or mentors, in the framework of jointly organised or outsourced courses, is exemplary. This makes UPFBE particularly attractive to students.
In addition, the accreditation visit also acknowledged the continuous adaptation of the curriculum to the challenges of the times, the development of specialisations, the use of methods aimed at acquiring strong academic knowledge and the use of practical preparation.
With this milestone, UPFBE has now earned EFMD accreditation for 3 years for the English-language MSc in Management and Leadership, but the School’s accreditation efforts go further.
"This is a great success, but we do not stop here," concludes Dr. András Takács. We are confident that after each such achievement we will become a better and better institution, and that we will be able to offer our Hungarian and international students more and more: in theoretical preparation, methodology and, last but not least, in practical knowledge. This is what we are working for. To do this, we have an excellent teaching staff and an innovative and development-oriented approach, as highlighted by the EFMD committee."