Bachelor programmes

BSc Business Administration and Management

EFMD accredited programme

The Business Degree Programme in English started in 1996 as a result of the cooperation between Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Pécs and the Business School at Middlesex University London. Thanks to a long and fruitful academic collaboration, the program have been accredited by EFMD. 

The overall purpose of our programmes is to train and educate professionals who can manage ethically, sensitively and holistically in range of organizations in an increasingly global and rapidly changing environment. Our graduates are to be found in almost all walks of business, industrial, community- and professional life.

    BSc Business Administration and Management

    EFMD accredited programme

    Degree: Bachelor of Sciences (BSc) in Business Administration

    Duration of training: 3.5 years (7 semesters)

    Intake: Fall


    Click here for more information.
    Type of training Finances Educational time Start of education

    full-time study

    for citizens of EU member states

    1 150 EUR / semester

    7 semesters

    fall semester of 2024/2025 academic year

    for citizens of all other countries

    2 750 EUR / semester

    Watch the student review about the Programme!

    Check out our video about the Programme!

     The Economics Behind Trade and Income Ditsribution - Tamás Sebestyén PhD