Research ProjectsDoctoral programmes
- Innovation
University of Pécs Faculty of Business and Economics (UPFBE) had a very successful period in the double deanship cycle 2015-2020. The measures and management tools to maintain and further increase the success rate will be fundamentally determined by the change of model made in 2021. Everything therefore seems to be in place to enable the Faculty to operate in the coming years under more predictable conditions than hitherto, with a more secure and predictable budget, to remain in control of its own affairs and to aim for and achieve higher and higher levels of excellence through the work of its colleagues who are motivated by financial appreciation and career opportunities
OUR VISION is a community of inspiring, global, business-minded individuals and organisations with a passion for and interest in their discipline whose members are dedicated to the promotion of local, regional economic and social development.
OUR MISSION is educating excellent, solution-oriented, responsible business professionals to enhance the sustainable development of the local and the wider environment.
UPFBE reached the limits of quantitative growth in the previous period. In addition, the change of the model in the summer of 2021 and the long-term financing contract concluded in this context make it clear that the controlling authority poses not quantitative but strict quality/excellence requirements towards the institution. We have redefined our vision and mission to focus on intensive rather than extensive growth, i.e. instead of further quantitative growth on the aspects of quality and excellence in the period 2022-2026.
In line with our mission, we have set five main goals for the 5-year period 2022-2026: