Research ProjectsDoctoral programmes
- Innovation
You will be actively involved in a range of learning, teaching and assessment approaches as part of your BA and MSc study programme. Such active learning approaches aim to put you at the centre of your learning so you are involved and engaged in all aspects of your learning and its assessment. Your programme will require your active participation in learning activities and engagement with your fellow students both individually and collaboratively, working and learning with other students as part of a small group. Learning activities may also occur both within and outside the classroom.
Your learning will also be supported by technology. Increasingly your tutors will be using existing and emerging learning technologies to engage you in e-learning activities. Your programme will be facilitated using a variety of media and online tools (podcasts, wikis, etc) which will allow you flexible access to a diverse range of online resources, quizzes and learning materials as well as collaborative tools with which you can engage and learn with your peers. Not confined by time and space you will be able to take part in online discussions and learning activities from wherever you are studying. Your tutors will provide any support you may need whilst learning online.
By engaging with e-learning you will also be developing skills which are essential for your learning and are also highly valued by employers. These include but are not limited to: working flexibly, communication, understanding of IT, team working and creating shared understandings based on quality resources and access to global expertise.