Research ProjectsDoctoral programmes
- Innovation
The CareerSpot started its work at our Faculty in September 2014, with the aim of promoting the studies and career paths of our students.
The Centre aims at the personification of the years at the University in a less formal environment and also direct student towards learning and self-development with a lot of programmes and tools.
In order to achieve this, the Centre has a service unique in higher education: coaching service; it operates a mentor programme, and organises workshops in different topics (stress management, time management, career planning, learning approaches etc.), all this with the assistance of enthusiastic coach and mentor colleagues trained from internal resources.
A mixed group of enthusiastic lecturers and students who support you in finding your place in the community of the Faculty of Business and Economics, in discovering your own way, in learning what it is that you are actually looking for, what are your talents, where you are heading or can be heading to become a good and confident expert. The CareerSpot has a staff really experienced in assisting talents, an extended network of connections and a wide range of services. The Centre is already connected to several student organisations, institutions and mentors working at our Faculty who assist the work of each other and the students (for details see “Partner institutions”).
Gábor Balogh dr. – Leader, coach, trainer, mentor
Ildikó Hargitai – company relations, traineeship, mentor programme, coach, trainer
Emese Braun – CareerSpot student assistant
Laura Alberti – CareerSpot student assistant
Emese Dávidházi – CareerSpotstudent assistant
The colleagues of the CareerSpot will also help you in the following issues:
Personal client service at office B129 (Info point)
Address: PTE Közgazdaságtudományi Kar – H-7622 Pécs, Rákóczi út 80.
Phone: +36 72 501-599 / extension 23235
E-mail: karrier [at] ktk.pte.hu (karrier[at]ktk[dot]pte[dot]hu)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/UPtalentspot
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/careerspot_upfbe/