Good to know!
To maintain the level of intellectual achievements and endure daily pressure, it is necessary to have ample opportunity for recreation and regeneration. The main goal is to make room for sports and physical exercise in people's lives so that they can be an integral part of their lifestyle later.
Sporting life at the University is co-ordinated by the Physical Education and Recreation Centre, which offers a wide range of sporting opportunities to the students and staff. The Centre organises various program that are attractive and accessible to everybody, irrespective of age, faculty or past training, which is a wonderful opportunity for recreation and regeneration.
You can apply for the courses at the beginning of each semester at the time and place of the given course. Since these courses are compulsory for Hungarian students, tutors take attendance seriously, so you are also kindly advised to attend courses regularly. You should bring clothes and shoes that are characteristic for the sport you have chosen. All the necessary equipment (racquets, tennis balls, etc.) will be available on the spot.
Besides the above mentioned courses you are free to use the various sports facilities of the University. However, the usage of these halls and grounds might be sometimes restricted according to regular class schedules. For the opening hours, check the entrance or contact the staff. You will have the following opportunities at your disposal:
The sports club of the University was founded in 1923, in which students do competitive sports in twelve sections. The sections include aerobics, table tennis, women's and men's handball, women's and men's basketball, soccer, martial arts, women's and men's volleyball, archery, fencing and leisure time sports. The table tennis, women's handball, martial arts and fencing sections have won many important competitions, including national and international prizes.
The University Athletic Club of Pécs is the most dynamically developing sports club of Hungary, and it is looking forward to students who wish to join!