Research ProjectsDoctoral programmes
- Innovation
Varga-Csajkás, A., Sebestyén, T., Varga, A. (2023) "Dynamics of collaboration among high-growth firms: results from an agent-based policy simulation" ANNALS OF REGIONAL SCIENCE, 70: 353-377. DOI: 10.1007/s00168-022-01150-w
Erdős, K., Baczur, R., Kehl, D., Farkas, R. (2022) "When post-merger price effect becomes smoothed over time: A case of a gasoline market merger" ENERGY ECONOMICS, 105, Paper: 105682. DOI: 10.1016/j.eneco.2021.105682
Erdős, K., Baczur, R., Kehl, D., Farkas, R. (2022) "When post-merger price effect becomes smoothed over time: A case of a gasoline market merger" ENERGY ECONOMICS, 105, Paper: 105682. DOI: 10.1016/j.eneco.2021.105682
Gál, Z. (2022) "A pécsi városrégió innovációs rendszere: a tudásalapú fejlesztések korlátai a periférián" ÉSZAK-MAGYARORSZÁGI STRATÉGIAI FÜZETEK, 19(3): 40-55. DOI: 10.32976/stratfuz.2022.34
Horváth, K., Berbegal-Mirabent, J. (2022) "The role of universities on the consolidation of knowledge-based sectors: A spatial econometric analysis of KIBS formation rates in Spanish regions" SOCIO-ECONOMIC PLANNING SCIENCES, 81, Paper: 100900. DOI: 10.1016/j.seps.2020.100900
Gál, Z. (2021) "A trianoni békeszerződés és a gazdasági konszolidáció hatása a magyar bankhálózatra" TERÜLETI STATISZTIKA, 61(4): 407-444. DOI: 10.15196/TS610401
Gál, Z. (2021) "A trianoni békeszerződés és a gazdasági konszolidáció hatása a magyar bankhálózatra" TERÜLETI STATISZTIKA, 61(4): 407-444. DOI: 10.15196/TS610401
Gál, Z., Fazekas, G. (2021) "Az ázsiai közvetlentőke-befektetések sajátosságai a visegrádi országokban: a beruházási stratégiák és a termelékenység összefüggései" TERÜLETI STATISZTIKA, 61(1): 105-130. DOI: 10.15196/TS610105
Horváth, K., Lafuente, E. (2021) "A non-parametric analysis of the effect of the configuration of competitive pillars on competitive efficiency" COMPETITIVENESS REVIEW, 31(3): 379-396. DOI: 10.1108/CR-12-2019-0143
Iloskics, Z., Sebestyén, T., Braun, E. (2021) "Shock propagation channels behind the global economic contagion network. The role of economic sectors and the direction of trade" PLOS ONE, 16(10): Paper: e0258309 , 26 p. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0258309
Iloskics, Z., Sebestyén, T. (2021) "A sokkterjedés szerkezeti jellemzőinek változásai a fejlett gazdaságok között" STATISZTIKAI SZEMLE, 99(7): 661-699. DOI: 10.20311/stat2021.7.hu0661
Sebestyén, T., Braun, E., Iloskics, Z., Varga, A. (2021) "Spatial and institutional dimensions of research collaboration: a multidimensional profiling of European regions" REGIONAL STATISTICS, 11(2): 3-31. DOI: 10.15196/RS110203
Szabó, N., Farkas, R., Varga, A. (2021) "The economic effects of passenger transport infrastructure investments in lagging regions. Would the increase in commuting be beneficial for regional development?" GROWTH AND CHANGE, 52(4): 2099-2123. DOI: 10.1111/grow.12516
Szabó, N., Farkas, R., Varga, A. (2021) "A régióközi ingázás szerepe a lemaradó régiók gazdasági növekedésében: Baranya megye esete" STATISZTIKAI SZEMLE, 99(4): 301-332. DOI: 10.20311/stat2021.4.hu0301
Szerb, L., Rideg, A., Márkus, G., Hornyák, M., Schmuck, R., Bedőházi, Z.R., Krabatné Fehér, Zs. (2021) "Magyarországi városagglomerációk versenyképesség-mérése és elemzése a Kompetencia és Intézményi versenyképességi Index alapján" Pécs: Regionális Innováció- és Vállalkozáskutatási Központ DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.17639.37280
Szőke, T., Hortay, O., Farkas, R. (2021) "Price regulation and supplier margins in the Hungarian electricity markets." ENERGY ECONOMICS, 94 Paper: 105098. DOI: 10.1016/j.eneco.2021.105098
Vaillant, Y., Lafuente, E., Horvath, K.,Vendrell-Herrero, F. (2021) "Regions on Course for the Fourth Industrial Revolution: The Role of a Strong Indigenous T-KIBS Sector." REGIONAL STUDIES, 55 (10–11): 1816–1828. DOI: 10.1080/00343404.2021.1899157
Varga, A., Farkas, R. (2021) "A GMR-Magyarország gazdasági hatáselemző modell TFP blokkja" SZIGMA, 52(3): 187-211.
Varga, A., Farkas, R. (2021) "A GMR-Magyarország Gazdasági Hatáselemző Modell TFP Blokkja" Műhelytanulmányok / PTE KTK Közgazdasági- És Regionális Tudományok Intézete. Pécs: Pécsi Tudományegyetem Közgazdaságtudományi Kar (PTE KTK).
Vasvári, T. (2021) "Az iparűzési adó szerepe az önkormányzati gazdálkodás autonómiájában" COMITATUS: ÖNKORMÁNYZATI SZEMLE, 31(238): 9–17.
Varga, A., Szabó, N., Sebestyén, T. (2021) "Az Intelligens Szakosodási Politika Gazdasági Hatásainak Modellezése." KÖZGAZDASÁGI SZEMLE, 68(9): 901–929, DOI: 10.18414/KSZ.2021.9.901
Ed.: Varga, A. (2021) "Regionális innováció, vállalkozás és gazdasági növekedés" 360 p. Pécs: Pécsi Tudományegyetem Közgazdaságtudományi Kar (PTE KTK).
In this book:
Vörös Zs, Kehl D, Rouet Jean-Francois: Task Characteristics as Source of Difficulty and Moderators of the Effect of Time-on-Task in Digital Problem-Solving. JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL COMPUTING RESEARCH Paper 0735633120945930. 21 p. (2020). DOI: 10.1177/0735633120945930
Lafuente, E. – Szerb, L. – Rideg, A. (2020): A system dynamics approach for assessing SMEs' competitiveness. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, DOI: 10.1108/JSBED-06-2019-0204
Lukovszki, L. – Rideg, A. – Sipos, N. (2020): An analysis of the corporate tax rate change’s effect in 2017 on the effective tax rate, based on the panel data of Hungarian companies. Economic Review - monthly of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, DOI: 10.18414/KSZ.2020.7-8.762 [released in Hungarian]
Balogh, G. – Sipos, N. – Rideg, A. (2020): An empirical study of the internal factors influencing the application of compensation incentives in SMEs. Competitiveness Review, DOI: 10.1108/CR-01-2020-0016
Márkus, G. – Rideg, A. (2020): Understanding the connection between SMEs’ competitiveness and cash flow generation: an empirical analysis from Hungary. Competitiveness Review, DOI: 10.1108/CR-01-2020-0019
Lukovszki, L. – Rideg, A. – Sipos, N. (2020): Resource-based view of innovation activity in SMEs: an empirical analysis based on the Global Competitiveness Project. Competitiveness Review, DOI: 10.1108/CR-01-2020-0018
Lafuente, E., Acs, Z., Sanders, M., & Szerb, L. (2020) The global technology frontier: productivity growth and the relevance of Kirznerian and Schumpeterian entrepreneurship, Small Business Economics 55: 153-178; DOI: 10.1007/s11187-019-00140-1
Szerb, L., Komlósi, É., & Páger, B. (2020). Új technológiai cégek az Ipar 4.0 küszöbén. Vezetéstudomány/Budapest Management Review, 51(6), 81-96. ISSN 0133-0179 DOI: 10.14267/VEZTUD.2020.06.08, http://unipub.lib.uni-corvinus.hu/5712/1/396-Article.pdf
Szerb, László, Raquel Ortega-Argilés, Acs, J. Zoltan, and Éva Komlósi (2020) Optimizing Entrepreneurial Development Processes for Smart Specialization in the European Union, Papers in Regional Science 99(5), pp. 1413-1457, DOI: 10.1111/pirs.12536
Varga A., Sebestyén T., Szerb L. Szabó, N. (2020) Estimating the economic impacts of knowledge network and entrepreneurship development in smart specialisation policy; Regional Studies, 54(1) pp. 48-59 available online DOI: 10.1080/00343404.2018.1527026
Szerb L. – Vörös Zs. (2020), The changing form of overconfidence and its effect on growth expectations at the early stages of startup; Journal of Small Business Economics, 1-15, DOI: 10.1007/s11187-019-00297-9
Szerb L.; Acs, Z. J.; Lafuente, E.; Rappai, G.; Kehl, D. (2019) The national system of entrepreneurship: A composite indicator analysis for policy optimization purposes; under revision in Research Policy
Lafuente, E., Leiva, J.C.; Moreno-Gómez, J. & Szerb, L. (2019) A system dynamics approach to competitiveness: An analysis of the relevance of the configuration of competitive pillars and aspiration performance on efficiency, Available online in BRQ Business Research Quarterly; DOI: 10.1016/j.brq.2019.02.002
Szerb, L. E. Lafuente, K. Horváth, B. Páger (2019) The relevance of quantity and quality entrepreneurship for regional performance: The moderating role of the entrepreneurial ecosystem; Regional Studies 53(9), pp. 1308-1320, DOI: 10.1080/00343404.2018.1510481
Tamás Sebestyén, Attila Varga 2019 Knowledge networks in regional development: an agent-based model and its application. Regional Studies DOI: 10.1080/00343404.2019.1622663
Szerb, L., Lafuente, E., Horváth, K., Páger, B. (in press). The relevance of quantity and quality entrepreneurship for regional performance: The moderating role of the entrepreneurial ecosystem. Regional Studies, in press. DOI: 10.1080/00343404.2018.1510481
Horváth, K., Rabetino, R. (in press). Knowledge-intensive territorial servitization: regional driving forces and the role of the entrepreneurial ecosystem. Regional Studies, in press. DOI: 10.1080/00343404.2018.1469741
Esteban Laufente, Zoltan J. Acs, Mark Sanders, László Szerb (2019) The global technology frontier: productivity growth and the relevance of Kirznerian and Schumpeterian entrepreneurship. Small Business Economics. DOI: 10.1007/s11187-019-00140-1
Richárd Farkas, Biliana Yontcheva (2019) Price transmission in the presence of a vertically integrated dominant firm: Evidence from the gasoline market. Energy Policy 126, pp. 223-237. DOI: 10.1016/j.enpol.2018.11.016
Tamás Sebestyén, Dóra Longauer (2018) Network structure, equilibrium and dynamics in a monopolistically competitive economy. Netnomics 19, 131–157. DOI: 10.1007/s11066-018-9129-y
Acs Zoltan J. - Estrin Saul - Mickiewicz Tomasz - Szerb László (2018) Entrepreneurship, Institutional Economics and Economic Growth: A Systems Perspective, Small Business Economics, (2018) 51:501–514, DOI: 10.1007/s11187-018-0013-9
Attila Varga, Tamás Sebestyén, Norbert Szabó, László Szerb (2018) Estimating the economic impacts of knowledge network and entrepreneurship development in smart specialization policy. Regional Studies DOI: 10.1080/00343404.2018.1527026
Galambosné Tiszberger Mónika (2018): The weight of weighting – an empirical study based on the OECD better life index. Business and Management Review 9:(3) pp. 443-450.
Horváth, K., Rabetino, R. (in press). Knowledge-intensive territorial servitization: regional driving forces and the role of the entrepreneurial ecosystem. Regional Studies. DOI: 10.1080/00343404.2018.1469741
Horváth Krisztina – Szerb László (2018) Managerial practices and the productivity of knowledge-intensive service businesses: An analysis of digital/IT and cash management practices, Strategic Change 27(2):161–172. DOI: 10.1002/jsc.2191
Szerb, L., Lafuente, E., Horváth, K., Páger, B. (in press). The relevance of quantity and quality entrepreneurship for regional performance: The moderating role of the entrepreneurial ecosystem. Regional Studies. DOI: 10.1080/00343404.2018.1510481
Attila Varga 2017 Geographical Macro and Regional Impact Modeling. In R. Jackson, P. Schaeffer (eds.), Regional Research Frontiers - Vol. 2, Advances in Spatial Science. Springer 49-58. DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-50590-9_3
Attila Varga, Tamás Sebestyén 2017 Does EU Framework Program participation affect regional innovation? The differentiating role of economic development. International Regional Science Review, 1-35 DOI: 10.1177/0160017616642821.
Ed Bergman, Attila Varga 2017 Innovative potential for development of Europe’s neighbouring countries and regions. Annals of Regional Science 1-7. DOI: 10.1007/s00168-017-0826-5
Sebestyén, T., Hau-Horváth, O., Varga, A.: How to get from the periphery into the core? The role of geographical location and scientific performance in network position in the field of neuroscience. Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences, 2017. DOI: 10.1007/s12076-016-0182-6.
Szerb, L., Komlósi, E., & Páger, B. (2017). A Multidimensional, Comparative Analysis of the Regional Entrepreneurship Performance in the Central and Eastern European EU Member Countries. In Sauka, A. and A. Chepurenko (eds): Entrepreneurship in Transition Economies (pp. 35-56). Springer International Publishing. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-57342-7_3
Varga, A.: Place-based, spatially blind, or both? Challenges in estimating the impacts of modern development policies: the case of the GMR policy impact modeling approach. International Regional Science Review, 40(1) pp. 12-37. DOI: 10.1177/0160017615571587. 2017.
Gábor Rappai (2016): Europe En Route to 2020: A New Way of Evaluating the Overall Fulfilment of the Europe 2020 Strategic Goals. Social Indicators Research,Vol. 129. No. 1., 77-93. DOI: 10.1007/s11205-015-1092-5
Lafuente, E.L., Szerb, L., Acs, Z.J.: Country level efficiency and National Systems of Entrepreneurship: A Data Envelopment Analysis approach. Journal of Technology Transfer, 41(6) pp. 1260-1283. 2016. DOI: 10.1007/s10961-015-9440-9
McCann, P., Varga, A. (eds.): Place-based Economic Development and the New EU Cohesion Policy. Routledge. 2016.
Sebestyén, T. (2016): Moving beyond the iceberg model: The role of trade relations in endogenizing transportation costs in computable general equilibrium models. Economic Modelling, DOI: 10.1016/j.econmod.2016.11.015
Szerb, László, Komlósi, Éva, Páger, Balázs (2016). Measuring Entrepreneurship and Optimizing Entrepreneurship Policy Efforts in the European Union. CESifo DICE Report, 14(3), 08-23.
Szerb, L., Trumbull, W.N.: The Development of Entrepreneurship in the European Transition Countries: Is Transition Complete? Strategic Change, 25(2) pp. 109-129. 2016. DOI: 10.1002/jsc.2051
Varga, A., Sebestyén, T.: Does EU Framework Program Participation Affect Regional Innovation? The Differentiating Role of Economic Development. International Regional Science Review, 2016. DOI: 10.1177/0160017616642821.
Varga, A., Baypinar, M.B.: Economic impact assessment of alternative European Neighborhood Policy (ENP) options with the application of the GMR-Turkey model. The Annals of Regional Science, 56(1) pp. 153-176. 2016. DOI: 10.1007/s00168-015-0725-6
Lengyel, B., Sebestyén, T., Leydesdorff, L.: Challenges for regional innovation policies in CEE countries: Spatial concentration and foreign control of US patenting. Science and Public Policy, 42(1) pp. 1-14. 2015. DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.2293845
McCann, P., Varga, A.: The Reforms to the Regional and Urban Policy of the European Union: EU Cohesion Policy. Regional Studies, 49(8) pp. 1255-1257. 2015. DOI: 10.1080/00343404.2015.1048976
Szerb, L., Acs, Z.J., Ortega-Argilés, R., Coduras, A., Aidis, R.: The Regional Application of the Global Entrepreneurship and Development Index (GEDI): The Case of Spain. Regional Studies, 49(12) pp. 1977-1994. 2015. DOI: 10.1080/00343404.2014.888712
Varga, A., Horváth, M.: Regional knowledge production function analysis. In: Anderson, M., Karlsson, C. (eds.) Handbook of Research Methods and Applications in Economic Geography. Edward Elgar Publishers, pp. 513-543. 2015. DOI: 10.4337/9780857932679.00033
Acs, Z.J., Autio, E., Szerb, L.: National Systems of Entrepreneurship: Measurement issues and policy implications. Research Policy, 43(3) pp. 476-494. 2014. DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.2008160
Varga, A., Horváth, M.: Institutional and regional factors behind university patenting in Europe: An exploratory spatial analysis using EUMIDA data. In: Bonaccorsi, A. (ed.) The European higher education landscape. Diversity and performance. Edward Elgar Publishers, Cheltenham, UK, Northampton, MA, USA, pp. 167-204.2014. DOI: 10.4337/9781783472000.00013
Attila Varga, Dimitros Pontikakis, George Chorafakis 2014 Metropolitan Edison and cosmopolitan Pasteur? Agglomeration and interregional research network effects on European R&D productivity. Journal of Economic Geography 14, 229-263 (doi:10.1093/jeg/lbs041).
Acs, Z.J., Szerb, L., Jackson, S.: Entrepreneurship in Africa Through the Eyes of GEDI. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, 14(4) pp. 219-234. 2013. DOI: 10.5367/ijei.2013.0125
Azagra-Caro, J.M., Pontikakis, D., Varga, A.: Absorptive capacity and the delocalisation of university-industry interaction. Evidence from participations in the EU's Sixth Framework Programme for Research. European Planning Studies, 21(10) pp. 1676-1701. 2013.
Erdős, K., Varga, A.: The Role of Academic Spin-off founders’ motivation in the Hungarian Biotechnology Sector. In: João, J.M., Ferreira, M.R., Rutten, R., Varga, A. (eds.) Cooperation, Clusters, and Knowledge Transfer. Universities and Firms Towards Regional Competitiveness. Springer, New York, pp. 207-224. 2013. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-33194-7_11
João, J.M., Ferreira, M.R., Rutten, R., Varga, A. (eds.): Cooperation, Clusters, and Knowledge Transfer. Universities and Firms Towards Regional Competitiveness. Springer, New York. 2013. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-33194-7
Sebestyén, T., Varga, A.: A novel comprehensive index of network position and node characteristics in knowledge networks: Ego Network Quality. In: Scherngell, Thomas (eds.): The geography of networks and R&D collaborations. Springer, series: Advances in Spatial Science, pp. 71-97. 2013. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-02699-2_5
Sebestyén, T., Varga, A.: Research productivity and the quality of interregional knowledge networks. Annals of Regional Science, 51(1) 155-189. 2013. DOI: 10.1007/s00168-012-0545-x
Szerb, L., Aidis, R., Ács, Z.J.: The Comparison of the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor and the Global Entrepreneurship and Development Index Methodologies. Foundations and Trends in Entrepreneurship, 9(1) pp. 1-142. 2013. DOI: 10.1561/0300000046
Varga , A., Hau-Horváth, O., Szabó, N., Járosi, P.: Blue Economy Innovation Impact Assessment with the GMREurope Model. Technology and Investment, 4(4), pp. 213-223. 2013. DOI: 10.4236/ti.2013.44025
Erdős, K., Varga, A.: The Academic Entrepreneur: Myth or Reality for Increased Regional Growth for Europe? In: Geenhuizen, M., Nijkamp, P. (eds.) Creative Knowledge Cities: Myths, Visions and Realities. Edward Elgar Publishers, pp. 157-181. 2012.
Varga, A., Pontikakis, D., Chorafakis, G.: Metropolitan Edison and cosmopolitan Pasteur? Agglomeration and interregional research network effects on European R&D productivity. Journal of Economic Geography, 14(2) pp. 229-263. 2012.
Sebestyén, T.: Knowledge Networks and Economic Performance. Approaches for Modeling and Empirical Analysis. VDM Verlag, Saarbrücken, 2011.
Varga, A., Parag, A.: Academic knowledge transfers and the structure of international research networks. In: Varga, A. (ed.) Universities, Knowledge Transfer and Regional Development: Geography, Entrepreneurship and Policy. Edward Elgar Publishers, pp. 138-159. 2009.
Varga, A.: Integrating geography in models of policy impact assessment: Why and how? Science Regionali, 8(1) pp. 107-115. 2009.
Varga, A. (ed.): Universities, Knowledge Transfer and Regional Development: Geography, Entrepreneurship and Policy. Edward Elgar Publishers. 2009.
Varga, Attila 2008 From the Geography of Innovation to Development Policy Analysis: The GMR-approach. Annales d’Economie et de Statistique 87-88, 83-102.
Acs, J.Z., O'Gorman, C., Szerb, L., Terjesen, S.: Could The Irish Miracle Be Repeated in Hungary? Small Business Economics, 28(2) pp. 123-142. 2007.
Acs, J.Z., Szerb, L.: Entrepreneurship, Economic Growth and Public Policy. Small Business Economics, 28(2) pp. 109-122. 2007.
Fischer, M.M., Fröhlich, J., Gassler, H., Varga, A.: The role of space in the creation of new technological knowledge in Austria: An exploratory spatial data analysis. In: Fischer, M.M. (ed.) Innovation, Networks, and Knowledge Spillovers, Springer, Berlin-Heidelberg, pp. 189-210. 2006.
Fischer, M.M., Varga, A.: Spatial knowledge spillovers and university research: evidence from Austria. In: Fischer, M.M. (ed.) Innovation, Networks, and Knowledge Spillovers, Springer, Berlin-Heidelberg, pp. 211-232. 2006.
Varga, A.: The Spatial Dimension of Innovation and Growth: Empirical Research Methodology and Policy Analysis. European Planning Studies, 14(9) pp. 1171-1186. 2006.
Acs, Z., Varga, A.: Entrepreneurship, agglomeration and technological change. Small Business Economics, 24(3) pp. 323-334. 2005.
Schalk, H.J., Varga, A.: The economic effects of EU Community Support Framework interventions. An ex-ante impact analysis with EcoRET, a macroeconomic model for Hungary. Center of Applied Economic Research Münster (CAWM), University of Münster, Münster. 2004.
Szerb, L., Varga, A.: High tech venture capital investment in a small transition country: The case of Hungary. In: Mani, S., Bartzokas, A. (eds.) Financial Systems, Corporate Investment in Innovation and Venture Capital. Edward Elgar, pp. 290-321. 2004.
Varga, A.,Schalk, H.J.: Knowledge spillovers, agglomeration and macroeconomic growth. An empirical approach. Regional Studies, 38(8) pp. 977-989. 2004.
Fischer, M.M., Varga, A.: Spatial knowledge spillovers and university research: evidence from Austria. Annals of Regional Science, 37(2) pp. 303-322. 2003.
Acs, Z., Anselin, L., Varga, A.: Patents and innovation counts as measures of regional production of new knowledge. Research Policy, 31(7) pp. 1069-1085. 2002.
Acs, Z., Varga, A.: Geography, endogenous growth and innovation. International Regional Science Review, 25(1) pp. 132-148. 2002.
Fischer, M.M., Varga, A.: Geographic Spillovers of University Research on Patent Activities of the High Technology Sectors in Austria. In: Acs, Z., de Groot, H.L.F., Nijkamp, P. (eds.) The Emergence of the Knowledge Economy. A Regional Perspective. Springer, Berlin, pp. 139-154, 2002.
Fischer, M.M., Varga, A.: Technological innovation and interfirm cooperation. An exploratory analysis using survey data from manufacturing firms in the metropolitan region of Vienna. International Journal of Technology Management, 24(7-8) pp. 724-742. 2002.
Fischer, M.M., Fröhlich, J., Gassler, H., Varga, A.: The role of space in the creation of new technological knowledge in Austria: An exploratory spatial data analysis. In: Fischer, M.M., Fröhlich, J. (eds.) Knowledge, Complexity and Innovation Systems. Springer, Berlin, pp. 124-145. 2001.
Fischer, M.M., Revilla Diez, J., Snickars, F. in association with Attila, V.: Metropolitan Systems of Innovation. Theory and Evidence from Three Metropolitan Regions in Europe. Springer, Berlin. 2001.
Varga, A.: Universities and regional economic development: Does agglomeration matter? In Johansson, B., Karlsson, C., Stough, R. (eds.) Theories of Endogenous Regional Growth – Lessons for Regional Policies, Springer, Berlin, pp. 345-367. 2001.
Anselin, L., Varga, A., Acs, Z.: Geographic and sectoral characteristics of academic knowledge externalities. Papers in Regional Science, 79(4) pp. 435-445. 2000.
Anselin, L., Varga, A., Acs, J.Z.: Geographic spillovers and university research: a spatial econometric perspective. Growth and Change, 31(4) pp. 501-516. 2000.
Varga, A.: Local academic knowledge transfers and the concentration of economic activity. Journal of Regional Science, 40(2) pp. 289-309. 2000.
Varga, A.: Time-space patterns of US innovation: stability or change? A detailed analysis based on patent data. In: Fischer, M.M., Suarez-Villa, L., Steiner, M. (eds) Innovation, Networks and Localities, Springer, Berlin, pp. 215-234. 1999.
Varga, A.: University Research and Regional Innovation: A Spatial Econometric Analysis of Academic Technology Transfers. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston. 1998.
Anselin, L., Varga, A., Acs, Z.: Local geographic spillovers between university research and high technology innovations. Journal of Urban Economics, 42(3) pp. 422-448. 1997.
Varga, A.: Regional Economic Effects of University Research: A Spatial Econometric Perspective. UMI, Ann Arbor, Michigan. 1997.
Balvers, R., Szerb, L.: Location in the Hotelling duopoly model with demand uncertainty. European Economic Review, 40(7) pp. 1453-1461. 1996.