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Name: László Szerb |
- D.Sc. (Doctor of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences) in Economics, 2012
- Habilitation, University of Pécs, Faculty of Business and Economics, 2007
- Ph.D. (Economics) West Virginia University, Morgantown USA, 1994, (Title of dissertation: The Borrower’s Choice Between Fixed and Adjustable Rate Mortgages: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis)
- University Doctorate (Economics), Janus Pannonius University of Pécs, 1990 (Title of the dissertation: The Role of Market and Government Intervention in the Economy)
- M.Sc. (Economics), Janus Pannonius University of Pécs, 1985 (Graduate dissertation on Society, Economy and Bureaucracy)
Resarch Interest
regional entrepreneurship, SME competitiveness, regional innovation, policy analysis
Awards and Honors
- Citation of Excellence from Emerald Publishing (2017) for the paper: Acs, Autio, Szerb: National system of entrepreneurship: Measurement issues and policy implication, Research Policy
- Outstanding reviewer award 2015, Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development
- Publication of the year (2011), Faculty of Business and Economics University of Pécs
- Award for the best presentation, 9th Conference on Industry and Economics of Firms (2008)
- 1st prize for improvement of course materials (2000), Faculty of Business and Economics University of Pécs
László Szerb completed his Masters at the University of Pécs, Faculty of Business and Economics in 1984, and in 1994 he earned a PhD in Economics at West Virginia University. Currently he is a full professor and the head of the Department of Management Science at the University of Pécs, Faculty of Business and Economics, and the Director of the International PhD Program in Regional Development. He has been a visiting professor in many European countries including Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Italy, the U.K. and in the U.S. Besides a wide-scale experience in teaching during his academic career, his current subjects are mainly related to entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship policy, small business management, competitiveness; and he also gives lectures in regional research methods and business development at the Doctoral School of Regional Policy and Economics. Szerb has also been a supervisor of eight PhD students defended successfully their dissertation. He participated as a leading researcher or team member in several international and national research projects. In 2001-2016, he was the leader of the Hungarian team in the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) international. Fuelled by his experience in the GEM projects and more than two-decade academic research, he established The GEDI Institute and along with Professor Zoltan J. Acs founded the Global Entrepreneurship Index (GEI) that is the first tool to track national-level entrepreneurship and economic development in European as well as in global economies. Besides, as part of the Europe 2020 agenda and sponsored by the European Commission Directorate General for Regional and Urban Policy, Economic Analysis, he is a founder of the Regional Economic and Development Index (REDI) that provides contextual analysis and regional innovation strategies to strengthen Europe’s capacity for delivering economic recovery and smart, sustainable and inclusive growth based on the NUTS-2 level. The project provides contextual analysis the European Commission needs to inform the design of Cohesion policy for the next 2014-2020 programming period. He is also a founding member of the Global Competitiveness Project, together with Esteban Lafuente, aiming to research and examine small business competitiveness. His research work is devoted to entrepreneurship, small businesses, entrepreneurial finance, and most recently he is dealing with the measurement of small business competitiveness and digital entrepreneurship. His publications include 66 journal articles (including Journal of Technology Transfer, Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, Regional Studies, European Economic Review, Research Policy, Small Business Economics, Economic Inquiry, Venture Capital) 27 books and 26 book chapters. His research is regularly cited in many countries in over 5 400 academic publications (Google Scholar). He is the founding member of Entrepreneruship Research and Education Network of Central European Universities (ERENET), member of the Hungarian Statistical Association, former editor in chief of International Journal of Marketing and Management (mainly Hungarian language) and editor of Small Business Economics, a leading academic journal.