
International accreditation success at UPFBE: EFMD BSIS label

After getting the EFMD programme accreditation for another 5 years last year, the Faculty of Business and Economics has..

Our School's international accreditation success

In 2024, the Faculty of Business and Economics at the University of Pécs achieved another international recognition by..

The third Omnichannel Day was a success

The third Omnichannel Day event organised by CoRe Lab was a great success. The event focused on the future of..

The IV. Ferenc Farkas Conference was a success

Last week, on Friday and Saturday, 7 and 8 June 2024, the IV Ferenc Farkas International Scientific Conference, entitled..

Interview with Dr. Kinga Kerekes

Dr. Kinga Kerekes, Associate Professor at Babeş-Bolyai University visited the KTK. The relationship between the..

Testimonial of ITHAS 2024

The ITHAS (International Tourism and Hospitality Academy at Sea) 2024 programme was a great success.

iExpo summary 2024

We are pleased to announce that the iExpo event organised by the Center for Applied Learning was a success last week at..

Be the change campus challenge

The Centre for Sustainability, part of CAL, aims to contribute in small steps each semester to help the faculty..