Research ProjectsDoctoral programmes
- Innovation
The Publisher of the FBE of UP manages, under the name of the University of Pécs, the study books, academic books and other teaching aids written by the colleagues of the Faculty of Business and Economics, from the collection through technical editing, the ordering of the printing services right to the responsibilities of retail trading.
The aim of the Publisher is to provide the public with books for educational purposes, other teaching aids and periodical(s).
The Publisher of the FBE of UP manages, for the time being, 102 notes with ISBN number, written by approximately 70 authors. Topics of the publications include works written in Hungarian, and in English and/or German language, on management, finances, accounting, marketing, economic informatics, production management, small business management and statistics.
PTE KTK Kiadó – 7622 Pécs, Rákóczi u. 80.
Széchenyi Bookstore
H – 7621 Pécs, Széchenyi tér 2.
Phone and fax: + 36 72 224-208