Research projects
The research potential of the Faculty is outstanding among Hungarian HEIs. There are altogether 175 alumni with doctoral qualifications to the two renowned doctoral schools. We have been active participants in several national (TÁMOP) and international (FP7) projects, with many being led by our faculty members. The main research areas include innovation and economic growth, spatial economic modelling, the relations of Central-Eastern European countries to the Euro zone, issues of sustainable energy, competitiveness and alternative energy – green (blue) economy. The Hungarian Academy of Sciences research center founded here is based on the human capacity of the faculty. Two professors of the Faculty are active members of the HAS.
Regional Innovation and Entrepreneurship Research Center (RIERC)
As key drivers of regional economic development, innovation and entrepreneurship attract substantial attention in research and policy. With the establishment of the Regional Innovation and Entrepreneurship Research Center (RIERC) at the Faculty of Business and Economics the aim is to increase synergies among the innovation and entrepreneurship research groups at the Faculty and to provide a joint platform for their research activities.
RIERC conducts research in regional innovation (knowledge network analysis, agent-based innovation modeling, spatial econometric investigations, university-industry relations), entrepreneurship (the Regional Entrepreneurship and Development Index – REDI, small business competitiveness, university spin-offs), development policy impact modeling (Geographic Macro and Regional (GMR)-type models) and applies research results in concrete regional development policy analyses. Established in 2015, RIERC succeeds the Center for Research in Economic Policy (GKK) at FBE.