Good to know!
1. Please remember you cannot participate an examination without Neptun registration.
"Code of Studies and Examinations: Article 49. (5) The student shall put together his/her exam schedule and register for the exams through the ES individually. Within the given exam period the student shall plan and put together his/her exam schedule – considering the specified exam days – in a manner to grant him/her the possibility to take the exam in the courses three times if necessary. The student shall register for the exam twentyfour hours prior to the specified exam time at the latest. The student shall have the opportunity to cancel registration for the exam thirty-six hours prior to the exam time at the latest."
2. It may happen that your professor asks you to identify yourself before the examination. Therefore please be prepared and have your ID card or passport with you.
3. Please leave your belongings (coat, bag) far from your desk either in the cloakroom or in the classroom.
4. Please remember you are not allowed to use your phone (laptop, tablet) during the examination. Your phone or other electronic devices (including smart watches) cannot be near to you during the examination.
5. You can have the following things with you during the examination: pen(s), pencil(s), drink, calculator and if it is allowed - stated on the coversheet of the exampaper: book, vocabulary or other notes.
6. It is strictly forbidden to share any information by any mean during the examination.
7. It is not possible to leave the classroom/auditorium during the examination.
8. If a student is caught on cheating his/her work done until that point will be considered invalid. Furthermore the issue will be reported to the Programme Director and the Head of Study Department who will initiates the necessary actions.
Different behaviour will result in an official, ethical procedure.