Final Examination – Thesis Defence

The Final Examination consists of the oral defence of the thesis. Moreover, students must prove their general knowledge and preparation in the topic(s) associated with the thesis. After successfully completing the final examination a Certificate (Degree) in MSc Management and Leadership or MSc Business Development is issued by the University.


Defence procedure

  1. Students will be informed about the exact schedule of the defence one week prior the event.
  2. On the defence the students get questions from the committee in connection with the topic of their dissertation. After that the students get some time to prepare while others are defending.
  3. Furthermore the students have to prepare a ppt slide show about their dissertation. It should not be longer than 10 minutes.
  4. The defence is about 20  minutes long per student: 10 minutes presentation + 10  minutes defence.
  5. If the dissertation is confident then only the supervisor, the committee and the student can be present at the defence.
  6. The result of the defence and the diploma is calculated according to the enclosed regulation.
  7. The announcement of the results will be in the afternoon, in the room of the defence.
  8. Defence registration guide.
  9. Regulation of final examinations.


Diploma Qualification

Calculation scheme UP Faculty of Business and Economics:

4.51 - 4.99Excellent
3.51 - 4.50Good
2.51 - 3.50Satisfactory
1.51 - 2.50Pass



Calculation of the Grade of the Defence

The result of the defence and the diploma is calculated according to the calculation scheme below:

Grade of the Defence = [(0.2 × Review 1 + 0.2 × Review 2 + 0.6 × Defence); rounded to two decimal places]


Qualification of the Certificate

(2 × Weighted grand average of all results + Grade of the Defence) / 3