Dr. Ferenc Kruzslicz

Dr. Ferenc Kruzslicz

Associate Professor
kruzslicz.ferenc [at] ktk.pte.hu
Please ask for an appointment in email.

Ferenc Kruzslicz graduated at the Attila József University in 1990 as a modeling mathematician in Szeged, then as assistant lecturer at the Department of Mathematics at the University of Veszprém until 1992, and since 1993 at the Faculty of Economics and Law Faculty of PTE. In 2000 he earned a Masters degree in Economics and then earned his degree as a docent. He is currently a lecturer at the Economics Methodology Institute. His major areas of interest are knowledge and content management, which he has been involved in in several projects as a consultant. Its core educational areas are database management and IT security. Open Source enthusiast and an eager developer in eLearning.


Dániel, Kehl ; Ferenc, Kruzslicz ; Roland, Baczur
Increasing Interactivity in Class
In: Kovács, Péter (szerk.) Challenges and Innovations in Statistics Education : Multiplier Conference of PROCIVICSTAT: Szeged (Hungary), September 7-9, 2017. Conference Proceedings
Szeged, Magyarország * : University of Szeged Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, (2018) Paper: online , 5 p.

Feldmann, Á ; Kruzslicz, F ; Füzér, K ; Hornyák, M
Hogyan lesz a Big datából hasznos új ismeret? pp. 21-21.
In: Dávid, Beáta; Feith, Helga Judit; Lukács, Ágnes; Susánszky, Éva (szerk.) Ártó-Védő Társadalom Konferencia és XV. Magatartástudományi Napok : Absztrakt könyv
Budapest, Magyarország : Semmelweis Egyetem Egészségtudományi Kar, (2017) p. 82

Hornyák, Miklós ; Kruzslicz, Ferenc
Internet-alapú adatforrás duo-mining elemzése pp. 80-80.
In: Bacsárdi, László; Bencsik, Gergely; Pödör, Zoltán (szerk.) OGIK'2017 Országos Gazdaságinformatikai Konferencia : Az előadások összefoglalói
Győr, Magyarország : Alexander Alapítvány a Jövő Értelmiségéért, (2017) p. 108

List of publications

Curriculum Vitae (77.67 KB)