Research ProjectsDoctoral programmes
- Innovation
He graduated from the Faculty of Business and Economics (FBE), University of Pécs, in 1985, where has been working since 1986. His main fields of instruction and research have been Corporate Finance, Valuation and Investments. He has taught these modules on bachelor, master and doctoral levels.
He has written several books, articles and papers on the above topics. He has been a non-academician member of HAS, Section of Economics and Law, Committee on Finance since 1998.
He received dr. univ. title in 1990, CSc in 1995 and received qualification as university lecturer (habil.) in 2010.
He has been the head of research groups in two projects of 40 million HUF (cc. 140 000 USD) and 60 million (cc. 210 000 USD), supported by the National Development Agency.
For his research activity he was honored the three-year Bolyai scholarship of the HAS and the Bolyai Award for being “outstanding among the most talented” (2003).
As the dean of FBE (2011-2015) he has embedded the blue concept into the faculty’s strategy and aimed to involve the enterprises of the region in the blue transformation.
He lives with his wife and three daughters in Pécs.
Szücs, Tamás ; Takács, András ; Kehl, Dániel ; Ulbert, József
A jövedelemminőség mérése és alakulása az európai bankok működése során (2018)
Konferencia-előadás, XI. Számvitel Tudomány-Szakma-Oktatás Nemzetközi Konferencia, Pécsi Tudományegyetem Közgazdaságtudományi Kar, 2018. október 15-16.,
Takács, András ; Ulbert, József ; Szücs, Tamás
A fordított DCF modell logikája, gyakorlati alkalmazási területei (2018)
Konferencia-előadás, XI. Számvitel Tudomány-Szakma-Oktatás Nemzetközi Konferencia, Pécsi Tudományegyetem Közgazdaságtudományi Kar, 2018. október 15-16.,
Ulbert, József ; Takács, András
Az értékteremtési folyamat időkomponensekre bontásának pénzügy-matematikai aspektusai
MARKETING ÉS MENEDZSMENT 52 : 1 pp. 66-80. , 15 p. (2018)