Research ProjectsDoctoral programmes
- Innovation
HORNYÁK Miklós graduated from the Budapest University of Technology with an MSc in Geoinformatics (GIS), and from the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Pécs with an MA in Network Communication. After that, he was a PhD student at the Faculty's Doctoral School of Regional Politics and Economics, where he obtained his PhD in 2019. As an Assistant Professor, his teaching activities at several faculties (KTK, TTK, BTK, MIK) of the University of Pécs focus on teaching subjects related to digital transformation, data science and project management, especially agile. For about 20 years, he has worked as an independent IT consultant on international projects for the "Big 5" players in the telecommunications industry. His research interests are in the use and impact of data-driven models and new media-related technologies (AI, Data Science, GIS), with a focus on the company and institutional drivers of competitiveness.
Szerb L. – Hornyák M. – Krabatné F. Zs. - Rideg A.
Magyarországi városrégiók versenyképességének mérése és elemzése
Közgazdasági Szemle, 2023
Szerb L. – Horváth K. – Lukovszki L. – Hornyák M. – Fehér Zs.
The Role Of Entrepreneurship Ecosystems In Hungarian Urban Regions
International Journal of Sociology, 2022
Lányi B. – Kruzslicz F. - Hornyák M.
The effect of online activity on SMEs’ competitiveness
Competitiveness Review, 2021