Research ProjectsDoctoral programmes
- Innovation
Kiss Tibor has been working for the University of Pécs, Faculty of Business and Economics since 1980. He has got his Ph.D. from London, Middlesex University. His educational activities include business simulation, sustainability and research methods. The research areas are: sustainability (blue economy), regional researches, energy strategies, city strategy, climate change.
He has programming experiences (AnyLogic, Delphi, Pascal); mathematical statistics experiences (SPSS, BMDP); and system design experiences. He designed systems for enterprises; designed and programmed software for exponential smoothing, and regression analysis (an expert system for multiple regression analysis); and created the Business Simulation Challenge, the first green business simulation. He is also familiar with the following methodologies: Data envelopment analysis (DEA), Ecological Network Analysis (ENA) and time series analysis.
Kiss, Tibor ; Hetesi, Zsolt
Ember és természet: Kiút a zsákutcából
Budapest, Magyarország : Nemzeti Közszolgálati Egyetem (2018) , 78 p.
Kiss, Tibor ; Hetesi, Zsolt
A kék gazdaságról - röviden
LÉPÉSEK A FENNTARTHATÓSÁG FELÉ 72 pp. 10-11. , 2 p. (2018)
Kiss, Tibor ; Kiss, Viktor
Ecology-related resilience in urban planning – A complex approach for Pécs (Hungary)
ECOLOGICAL ECONOMICS 144 pp. 160-170. , 11 p. (2018)