prof. Dr. Zsuzsanna Vitai

prof. Dr. Zsuzsanna Vitai

vitai.zsuzsanna [at]
Tuesday: 10:00-11:00

Zsuzsanna Kispál-Vitai graduated from the University of Veterinary Medicine of Budapest in 1981. She worked as a veterinary surgeon in different positions from 1981 to 1990. From 1991 to the present day, she has worked at the Faculty of Business and Economics of Janus Pannonius University Pécs (now University of Pécs). She finished her MBA studies at the Faculty in 1994 and then applied for Ph.D. studies, which she completed in 2000. She has taught management subjects at the Faculty since 1997, starting in the English language program and then later in the Hungarian programs. She teaches at all levels, from BA to Ph.D., Organizational Behavior, Human Resource Management, Organization Theory, and General Management. Zsuzsanna Kispál-Vitai was the Program Leader of the English language undergraduate program from 1999 to 2003 and Program Director for both the undergraduate and Master level English programs from 2003 to 2005. From 2005 till October 2008, she was Head of International Relations at the Faculty of Business and Economics. She is currently a full professor and Program Director of the International Ph.D. program in Business Administration. Her research interests are motivation in OB and HRM, Organization Theory, Artificial Intelligence, and theory of learning. 


Geoffrey Wood, Zsuzsanna Kispál-Vitai: 2021| 
CONCEPTS, PRACTICES AND TRENDS IN SHRM, In: Gary, Rees; Paul, Smith (szerk.) Strategic Human Resource Management: An International Perspective
SAGE Publications (2021) pp. 74-98. 


Kispál-Vitai Zsuzsanna, Németh Julianna | 2021|
Szilánkok az üvegplafonból (Shards from the Galss ceiling)
KÖZGAZDASÁGI SZEMLE 68: (3) pp. 308-331. 


Kispál-Vitai Zsuzsanna:|2012 | 
Le Moulin Blanc
Ivey Publishing  


List of publications

Curriculum Vitae (303.1 KB)