Research ProjectsDoctoral programmes
- Innovation
Mónika Galambosné Tiszberger is an associate professor at the Economics and Econometrics Department. She graduated in 2002 from the University of Pécs Faculty of Business and Economics. After spending five years at the Hungarian Central Statistical Office, she returned to the Faculty. She gained her PhD in 2012. She fulfilled her habilitation process in 2022.
She teaches research methodology and statistics-related courses at BSc and PhD levels. Her research interests are data processing, statistical modeling, shadow economy, and well-being measures.
Currently, she is the Programme Director of the BSc in Business Administration and Management.
Galambosné Tiszberger, Mónika:
Shadow economy: A comprehensive concept and the interpretation of its size. INTERNATIONAL SOCIAL SCIENCE JOURNAL 72:243 pp. 175-191. 17 p. (2022)
Autio, Erkko ; Szerb, László ; Komlósi, Éva ; Tiszberger, Mónika:
EIDES 2020: The European Index of Digital Entrepreneurship Systems. Luxembourg, Luxemburg : Publications Office of the European Union (2020) , 146 p.
Erkko, Autio ; László, Szerb ; Éva, Komlósi ; Tiszberger, Mónika:
EIDES 2019: The European Index of Digital Entrepreneurship Systems. Luxembourg, Luxemburg : Publications Office of the European Union (2019) , 141 p.
Galambosné, Tiszberger Mónika:
The weight of weighting - an empirical study based on the OECD better life index. BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT REVIEW 9 : 3 pp. 443-450. , 8 p. (2018)
Tiszberger, Mónika Galambosné: Well-Being Measures.
In: Imaizumi, Tadashi; Okada, Akinori; Miyamoto, Sadaaki; Sakaori, Fumitake; Yamamoto, Yoshiro; Vichi, Maurizio (szerk.) Advanced Studies in Classification and Data Science. Singapore, Szingapúr : Springer Singapore (2020) 524 p. pp. 431-443. , 13 p.
Tiszberger, Mónika Galambosné:
Shadow economy index – lessons from Hungary. In: Ratten, Vanessa; Dana, Leo-Paul (szerk.) Societal entrepreneurship and competitiveness. Bingley, Egyesült Királyság / Anglia : Emerald Publishing Limited, (2019) pp. 137-153. , 17 p.
Kuti, Mónika ; Galambosné, Tiszberger Mónika ; Czigler, Enikő:
Magyarországról indított közösségi finanszírozású kampányok. A Kickstarter-platform esete. KÖZGAZDASÁGI SZEMLE 65 : 2 pp. 206-225. , 20 p. (2018)
Galambosné, Tiszberger Mónika:
A rétegzett mintavételről. STATISZTIKAI SZEMLE 89 : 9 pp. 909-929. , 21 p. (2011)
Beke, Jenő ; Galambosné, Tiszberger Mónika:
Nemzetközi számviteli standardizáció a hazai gyakorlat tükrében. PÉNZÜGYI SZEMLE/PUBLIC FINANCE QUARTERLY (1963-) 57 : 4 pp. 444-457. , 14 p. (2012)