Research ProjectsDoctoral programmes
- Innovation
Dear Visitor!
Welcome to the website of Pécsiközgáz – the Faculty of Business and Economics! Either you got here intentionally or just “surfing”, it is worth remembering a few pieces of information about our Faculty.
A few experienced professors and a handful of enthusiastic young researchers thought in 1970 that the words of King Louis the Great, said in 1367, were still valid in the late 20th century: – “Pécs is especially suitable for sowing the seeds of science” – and so they started the foundation of the Faculty of Business and Economics! The almost 50 years that have passed since then verified the correctness of this intention, now the Faculty of Business and Economics of UP is one of the best qualified higher education institutes of business studies in Hungary. In rankings made from the quality indices of higher education institutions of economic sciences our Faculty is always in the front, which indicates the recognition of the excellence of our students and lecturers by the actors of both the educational and the labour market.
Our world is changing so fast that it is hard to keep up with it. This makes us acquire new knowledge, skills and abilities, and our Institution must keep up with this progress. One of the main objectives of our Faculty is to allow all of our students to get knowledge that maximises their competitiveness on the labour market. This effort of ours is verified not only by the excellent professional qualifications but also by the feedback of our students and market partners. Our graduates find no difficulty in admission to programmes of renowned doctoral schools abroad, and also perform with honour in international job positions. We are proud of seeing our graduates of Pécsiközgáz in the management of multinational corporations, and in CEO positions of their own businesses and empires of companies, both in Hungary and abroad.
This is accompanied by the specific Mediterranean atmosphere of Pécs, the complex auxiliary range of trainings by the fellow facilities of the University of Pécs, and the incredibly rich supply of cultural programmes typical of the city. We expect you at the Faculty of Business and Economics of the University of Pécs, hoping that your virtual walk today will be followed by a real one soon!