Research ProjectsDoctoral programmes
- Innovation
Professor Geography Institute, University of Köln, Germany
Email: j.revilladiez [at] uni-koeln.de
Phone: +49-(0)221-470-7251
"Since April 2014, Revilla Diez holds a Chair in Human Geography at the Institute of Geography at the University of Cologne. He was appointed within the framework of the key profile area “Socio-economic, Cultural, and Political Transformations in the Global South” of the Global South Studies Center at the University of Cologne, supported by the German Excellence Initiative. Before, Revilla Diez holds a Chair in Economic Geography at the Institute for Economic and Cultural Geography, University of Hannover. He is member of the advisory board of the Lower Saxonian Institute for Economic Research (Niedersächsisches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung). Revilla Diez graduated at Hannover University in Geography (1991) with economics, regional planning and hydrology as a minor. In 1995 he completed his PhD at the University of Hannover on the regional transformation process in Vietnam. 2001 he finished his “habilitation” on metropolitan innovation systems in Europe. From 1991 until 2002 he was employed at the University of Hannover. From 2002 until 2006 he was Professor (C3) at the Geography Institute at the Christian-Albrechts University in Kiel. After his PhD on the economic and regional transformation processes in Vietnam he focused on knowledge based regional development (especially regional innovation systems), and vulnerability research in Europe and Asia. Recently he worked on regional growth in the Greater Pearl River Delta (China), on economic restructuring and responses to crisis in rural Vietnam/Thailand, and Tsunami risks, vulnerability and resilience in the Phang-Nga Province, Thailand. His research publications have appeared in, among others, World Development, Regional Studies, Environment and Planning A, Technovation, European Planning Studies, International Regional Science Review, Papers in Regional Science, Natural Hazards, and Applied Geography."
economic geography, regional innvoation, knowledge based regional development, regional economic impact assessment of large investment projects
Responsible for research and teaching activities of the working group Economic Geography and the Global South Principal Investigator at the Global South Studies Center at the University of Cologne Member of the Advisory Board of the Lower Saxonian Institute for Economic Research (Niedersächsisches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung) member of the advisory board of the eu-founded research project “Sharing KnowlEdge Assets: InteRregionally Cohesive NeigHborhoods
Habilitation, Firm’s innovation behaviour and spatial proximity – the importance of cooperation networks in the Metropolitan Innovationssystems of Barcelona, Stockholm and Vienna, 2001, University of Hannover (in German). PhD, Transformation in Vietnam: Industrial change and regional consequences, 1995, University of Hannover (in German).