Research ProjectsDoctoral programmes
- Innovation
As key drivers of regional economic development, innovation and entrepreneurship attract substantial attention in research and policy. With the establishment of the Regional Innovation and Entrepreneurship Research Center (RIERC) at the Faculty of Business and Economics of the University of Pécs the aim is to increase synergies among the innovation and entrepreneurship research groups at the Faculty and to provide a joint platform for their research activities.
RIERC conducts research in regional innovation (knowledge network analysis, agent-based innovation modeling, spatial econometric investigations, university-industry relations), entrepreneurship (the Regional Entrepreneurship and Development Index – REDI, small business competitiveness, university spin-offs), development policy impact modeling (Geographic Macro and Regional (GMR)-type models) and applies research results in concrete regional development policy analyses. Established in 2015, RIERC succeeds the Center for Research in Economic Policy (GKK) at FBE.
The Handbook of Universities and Regional Development edited by Katalin Erdős and Attila Varga offers a comprehensive and up-to-date insight into how academic institutions spur their surroundings. The volume sheds light on universities as regional development actors from a historical perspective by introducing institutional changes and discussing the interrelatedness of society, business and academia. It provides detailed investigations on various knowledge transfer mechanisms to help understand the diverse ways through which ideas and intellectual property can flow between universities and businesses. Detailed case studies from three continents (Europe, Asia, and America) demonstrate the highly contextual nature of the interactions between academia, industry and government.
Attila Varga talks about regional economic impact modeling in this video from the web page of the European Regional Science Association (ERSA)
Norbert Szabó explains CGE modeling in these ERSA videos