Game of Stocks - A market simulation

2018. September 12. 10:21

In the fall semester of the 2018/2019 academic year the Investment Club of the University of Pécs (UP) in collaboration with Institution of Finance and Accounting introduces the Game of Stocks competition.

Game of Stocks is the virtual stock market competition of the Investment Club of the University of Pécs embedded in a free of choice course for students, who wants to acquire some knowledge in the field of equity investment.

In this semester long (10 weeks) competition you can challenge yourself on the virtual stock markets by developing your own investment policy based on real time data.

How does it work?

  • Apply for the competition, get access for the Game of Stocks!
  • Be a member of the UP Investment Club, decide whether you are a trader or an analyst, participate the weekly meetings of the club, including workshops, and the lecture of the invited guest speakers.
  • Complete one of your free of choice courses (type C, campus credit) and earn 3 credits by submitting the 5 pages long documentation of your investment policy, while you gain real word experience.


  • conversational English to be able to trade on the virtual platform
  • experience in finance is not required, as a member of the Investment Club you can improve your financial literacy and gain experience in equity investment

What we offer:

  • Valuable prizes for the weekly best performers (university merchandise, concert tickets, job shadowing and internship opportunities etc.)

How can you apply for the competition?

  • Look for the Game of Stocks: A market simulation course in Neptun among the free of choice courses and campus credits and apply for the course till 14th September 2018.
  • Participate the kick off event on the 19th of September 18:30-20:00 at the Faculty of Business and Economics Room B020
  • If you do not find the course or missed the deadline, please apply via email or if you have any questions, do not hesitate to write to us: gameofstocks [at] ( )


What is UP Investment Club?

UP Investment Club is a student run organization that provides real world financial experience in the investment banking industry. The investment club is overseen by academic advisors from the Finance and Accounting Institute, who will aid students with the investment simulation, and research projects. The academic advisors will also conduct a certificate program alongside the club. This program is designed to teach the student specific competencies they will need in the financial workforce.

The investment club also organises networking and promotional events between the students and prospective employers. The investment club aims to connect employers with the best equipped graduates for their company.

Mission & Vision Statement

Our mission is promote financial literacy, connect students with prospective employers and alumni, and invest in the future of students by better preparing them for the investment banking industry.

Our vision is to develop students into elite investment analyst for employers and enhance their network for their future careers.

Club objectives

  • Connect students with future employers through networking events
  • Develop students into exceptional analysts for investment banking
  • Prepare graduates for real world investment and analysis situations
  • Provide students to have a platform to apply what they have learned in the classroom
  • Enhance students problem solving and communication skills