Research ProjectsDoctoral programmes
- Innovation
Dear Colleagues,
We were delighted that 30 members of the faculty collective contributed as experts to Wednesday's iEXPO event, and many of you were also spectators.
At the UP-wide iExpo, more than 350 students from 105 teams from 6 faculties and nearly 80 experts from 40 companies filled the building.
A total of nearly HUF 1 000 000 in scholarships sponsored by our corporate partners were distributed among the student teams, in addition to material gifts. The initial, rapid feedback from partners on the ground and over the past few days has been very positive about the projects, the students and the event. Congratulations to the teachers who prepared the projects and to the winning teams.
The exact results, pictures and further details are available in the article of UNIV Pécs: student ideas and solutions | UnivPécs (univpecs.com)
UNIV TV Pécs, video of the event: iExpo at KTK - Spring 2024
Photos of the event (thanks to Peter Albrecht): https://photos.app.goo.gl/D6PD9vxpQo2HYKxw8
iExpo will continue in the autumn. We welcome back this year's experts, and encourage everyone to join the event next semester as an expert and/or with a course.
Thank you again for the work of the experts and the colleagues who delegated and coached the student teams.