International Teaching Week 2018

2018. May 18. 11:40

The fourth edition of the International Teaching Week organized in the Faculty of Business and Economics has recently ended as a very successful program.

It was a pleasure to welcome 11 colleagues from 7 different countries and we warmly thank them for their enthusiastic contribution during the event. Participants of the International Teaching Week delivered guest lectures and hosted & participated on workshops. The warm, supportive and inspiring atmosphere of the program encouraged everybody to take actions in further developing the institutional cooperation.

The International Teaching Week provides local students to have international experiences in their usual classroom at home and they also become part of an international learning environment and meet professors from all over the world.

It’s also a great opportunity for our faculty members to share and discuss research- or teaching related ideas and problems with international colleagues. They could not only observe different educational and methodological approaches used by international colleagues but also had the opportunity to discuss relevant experiences on the workshops. At the same time our guests gained practical insight and personal impression on the Hungarian higher education.

We are deeply convinced that the International Teaching Week has strengthened the relationship with our partners and has boosted our cooperation. On the basis of this year’s positive experiences, the Faculty of Business and Economics is looking forward to welcome participants on next year’s 5th Edition ITW.

Name Institution Host Lecturer
Alina Osaul Zaporizhzhya National University Kónya István
Alberto Turón Faculty of Economics and Business - University of Zaragoza Kiss Tibor, Schmuck Roland
Annika Wolf University of Applied Science Emden/Leer Kuti Mónika
Borislav Marusic College of Applied Sciences Lavoslav Ružička Posza Alexandra, Bedő Zsolt
Joyce Bruil HAN University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Business, Management and Law Ásványi Zsófia
Stephan Plat HAN University of Applied Sciences Vitai Zsuzsanna, Németh Julianna
Halia Valladares Montemayor Capilano University Takács András
Erkan Yalcin HAN University of Applied Sciences Szűcs Krisztián, Rácz-Putzer Petra
Ilse Aerts Unversity College VIVES Márkus Gábor
Albert de Vaal Nijmegen School of Management, Radboud University Sebestyén Tamás
Vinke Joop HAN University of Applied Sciences Ásványi Zsófia