UPFBE International Orientation Week (05-09 February 2018)

2018. February 12. 09:32

The International Orientation Week is organized every semester by UPFBE International Office in cooperation with the Faculty Student Union and the Erasmus Student Network Pécs for international exchange and full degree students.

The 8th IOW was held with full participation of the 32 exchange students and about a dozen of the master level freshmen.

According to the traditional program schedule the students first took part in the Campus and Surroundings Tour, got acquainted with the history and layout of the faculty and the building, Building Z, the canteen and the Central Registrar’s Office, the Rector’s Office, the Kodály Center and the 3 floors of the Central Library. Dr. Zsuzsanna Vitai and Dr. Zsófia Ásványi program leaders opened the semester for the freshmen of the MSc Applied Management and Enterprise Development programs on Monday, while on Tuesday Vice Dean Krisztián Szűcs welcomed the exchange students for the spring semester.

The Immigration Office visited the faculty on Wednesday, and gave a presentation on how to apply for Residence Permit or Registration Card.

Thursday was dedicated to community building: Dr. Katalin Atanazovné Hartung’s Intercultural Communication Training involved exceptionally high numbers of students. The training was followed by the Ice Breaking Dinner Party, where Milán Pinczés of the Dancing University gave a kick-start to the evening by teaching us 3 Hungarian folk dance choreographies, then the representatives of the faculty Student Union, AEGEE Pécs and ESN Pécs presented their work and services. This semester there are about 20 UPFBE students at ESN from the faculty, who act as Student Buddies for incoming international students and provide assistance for their soft landing at the faculty and in Pécs. This was followed by “The Big UPFBE QUIZ (or What Do You Remember of the Campus Tour)” and other team-building games brought by the Student Union. We spent the rest of the evening with chatting through a superb dinner.

Last but not least Friday morning was spent with Hungarian Language and Culture at a teaser mini-course held by the International Studies Center.

Dear Students, Welcome at UPFBE!

(text: Lilla Kolos – Adrienn Lajkó, International Office, photos, György Reiner, Marketing Office)