Pécs-Hagen outgoing double degree programme

Pécs-Hagen double degree programme

Degree                                                                                       Way of study                                   Tuition fee                       
University degree* Distance learning program App. 200,000 HUF
BSc in Business Administration and Economics Distance learning program App. 200,000 HUF
MSc in Business Administration and Economics Distance learning program App. 200,000 HUF

*The degree is available for former graduated students of the University of Pécs Faculty of Business and Economics

Every enrolled student at the University of Pécs Faculty of Business and Economics (full-time students, part-time students, PhD students etc.) can join the Pécs-Hagen dual degree programs.

Duration of education: The average duration of the program is 5 to 6 semesters (length of studies varies individually).

Mode of study: Full-time or part-time

Official name of the program: Distance Learning Courses at the Pécs-Hagen Dual Degree Open-University Program

The aim of the Programme

Former and enrolled students of the University of Pécs Faculty of Business and Economics can join the open-university programs and they get all their courses taken at the Faculty accredited and counted as part of their studies at the program. Apart from credits already earned at the University of Pécs Faculty of Business and Economics, they are required to obtain  36 credit points (studying on the BA or MA program) in order to be awarded with the German degree in economics.

Characteristics of the programme

Since it is a distance-learning program, our students can continue their studies anywhere. They are not required to travel to Hagen. During the program our students receive the distance learning material, they are required to send back the filled in exercise forms, and to participate the consultations.

Further information >>>

Tuition Fee

The tuition fee for the whole programme is approximately 200,000 HUF but with different scholarships it can be reduced up to 100,000 HUF. Students pay the tuition fee in instalments depending on the structure of their curriculum.

Awarded degrees

On the University degree program: Diplom Kaufmann/Kauffrau/or Diplom Betriebwirt(in) or Diplom Vorlskwirt(in)

On the BSc program: Bachelor of Science in der Fachrichtung Wirtschaftswissenschaft (BSc in Business Administration and Economics)

On the MSc program: Master of Science in der Fachrichtung Wirtschaftswissenschaft (MSc in Business Administration and Economics)

The curriculum of the programmes

Students are free to choose from the courses offered by the University of Hagen.

On the University degree program 7 courses (6 credit points worth each), on the BA and MA programmes 6 BA or MA modules must be completed.

Students join the German curriculum when choosing their major.


Majors are offered according to the University of Hagen’s curriculum.

Career opportunities

All of our graduates have found jobs easily most of them are employed at companies with German interest holders.


Programme Director, Mentor:


Email: matyas [at] ktk.pte.hu

Tutor of the Programme:


E-mail:  longauer.dora [at] ktk.pte.hu