Good to know!
The Faculty of Business and Economics at the University of Pécs established its International PhD Programme in Business Administration for professionals in the world of business or in public administration and with several years of experience in their field.
The programme combines the advantages of contact-based and distance education drawing on the contribution of nationally and internationally recognized experts. The programme’ s design favourably combines the traditions of American education (where several years of formal education is needed to obtain the doctoral degree) and the European (with limited number of classes and a strong emphasis on independent dissertation research).
The Programme is designed to help students acquire the knowledge necessary for writing a successful dissertation and to support independent research by providing professional feedback from experienced faculty supervisors at dissertation seminars.
The direct educational period consists of four semesters during which students are required to be on campus. Students each semester spend approximately 10 days on campus attending classes, consulting their supervisor on their research topic and doing further research in the Library.