Our Marketing Research 2.0 book is published

2022. April 26. 11:49
marketingkutatás 2.0

At the end of 2020, the CoRe lab researchers published online a book entitled Marketing Research 2.0, which helps students in the advanced marketing research training of the Master’s programme.

Applied marketing research follows trends and develops its own tools according to the current needs of companies. Accordingly, different eras follow each other, with ups and downs colouring the daily lives of researchers. We can now see that the mid-1990s and the second half of the 1990s marked the end of an era, or rather the beginning of a new chapter, which has now unfolded quite nicely, changing everything we learned then. In the second half of the 1990s, around the turn of the millennium, this change was not yet very noticeable in Hungary, but it was already under way in the field of applied marketing research in countries with developed economies.

The changes were essentially driven by progress in technology, but were later amplified by the global economic crisis at the end of the first decade of the millennium. These two effects caused fundamental changes in the industry and in the methodological toolbox. Firstly, the effectiveness of traditional techniques and the novelty of results were questioned, and by the years of the crisis, the very ability of research firms to create value became questionable. The last decade has witnessed a process of reorganisation, which has led to a major transformation of the toolbox, on the one hand, and has forced research companies on the market to identify and strengthen new competences, on the other hand. This process, its main milestones and still points are summarised in this book, with a few constraints included to allow a framework to be defined. We therefore do not address the methodological transformation of basic research, the changes in the mathematical-statistical toolbox, nor the developments in B2B and other research fields. We will, however, try to provide a broad overview of the current state of consumer research, the trends that will shape the near future and outline a general model that has replaced the cooperation between industry players that was previously established, thus changing the points of convergence for researchers by which they can provide competitive services in the market in the new situation.


The note is available in both English and Hungarian on the Digitália platform.