2020 - Creativity, changing, resilience


Creativity, changing, resilience


Conference call

Pécs, 3rd April, 2020.


Dear Colleagues,

The Institute of Marketing and Tourism of the Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Pécs is hereby announcing the call for the 3rd International Tourism Marketing Conference to be held on 3rd April, 2020.

An important effort of the Institute by the organisation of this event is to allow the strengthening of the relations among the academic staff and business experts active in research and lecturing, and offer a platform for inspiring and interactive professional discourses.

We intend to further strengthen the international presence and reputation of our conference, so we proudly inform you that Prof. Dr. Greg Richards (Tilburg School of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Department of Leisure Studies), probably the most well-known researcher and professional of creative tourism on the international scene accepted our invitation as the keynote speaker of the event.

The event, offering possibility for presentations and publications, will be held on 3rd April, 2020, in Hungarian and English language sections related to the topical issues in tourism research.

We do hope that we managed to raise your interest and will have the privilege of receiving you as a guest of our conference.

Best regards,


Dr. Zoltán Kaposi

director of the institute, university professor, Marketing and Tourism of the Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Pécs


Dr. Mária Törőcsik

university professor, founder of the conference an co-chair of the scientific committee


Dr. János Csapó

associate professor, co-chair of the scientific committee


Sections planned

Hungarian language sections:

  1. Communities and networks in tourism
  2. Consumer behaviour changes – separateness, responsibility, trends
  3. Creative tourism
  4. The focus of sport and leisure in tourism marketing
  5. Exploring the needs of new target groups, reaching the target groups – generations, scenes
  6. Responsible tourism, resilience, the questions of carrying capacity
  7. Wine and gastro tourism, the local products


English language section:

Key drivers of competitiveness in the tourism industry (based on the number of the applications we intend to create sub-sections, you are free to apply here with topics related to the Hungarian sections)


Registration at the turizmusmarketing2019 [at] ktk.pte.hu (turizmusmarketing2020[at]ktk[dot]pte[dot]hu) e-mail address.

Registration in a section with presentation


Registration with abstract: 15th January, 2020.

title of manuscript in Hungarian and English language, name(s) and data of author(s) (academic qualification, workplace, e-mail address), abstract in Hungarian and English language (app. 10-15 lines, 1,000–2,000 characters), keywords (3-4) and acknowledgements  (if the implementation of the project or the publication of the paper is supported by some research project, support or scholarship, this should be specified here)

Sending the paper: 14th February, 2020.

The formal requirements for the paper can be found at the homepage of the conference (https://ktk.pte.hu/hu/tudomany/tudomanyos-rendezvenyek/nemzetkozi-turizmusmarketing-konferencia). Papers are double blind peer reviewed, reviewers’ opinions are sent to the authors by 28th February 2020 the latest, final corrected versions of the papers can be submitted until 13th March, 2020.



Application with abstract: 15th January, 2020.

Sending the paper: 14th February, 2020.

Reviewers’ opinion: 28th February, 2020.

Sending the corrected paper: 13th March, 2020.


non-presenting participants: name and data of the visitor (position, workplace, e-mail address) is needed at the application.


Publication possibilities

Papers submitted to the conference will be published in a peer reviewed conference volume with ISBN number and a published (paper format) abstract volume with ISBN number. The members of the scientific committee will choose the best papers which will be published in the 2020 volumes of the scientific periodicals “Marketing & Menedzsment” (Marketing & Management) and “Turisztikai és Vidékfejlesztési Tanulmányok” (Tourism and Rural Development Studies) (So these papers will not be published in the conference proceedings).


Participation fee

Registration fee for presenters is HUF 25,000 + VAT, or 100 euros

Registration fee for non-presenting participants is HUF 10,000 + VAT, or 40 euros