Tourism 4.0: Resilience, Adaptation, Recovery & restart


Conference call

Hungary, Pécs, 5th November, 2021


Dear Colleagues!

The Department of Marketing and Tourism of the Faculty of Business and Economics of the University of Pécs announces the 4th International Tourism Marketing Conference 2021.

It is an important aim of the conference to provide a space for inspiring and constructive discourse and to strengthen the relationship between research, education and practitioners. We hope we have aroused your interest and that you will honour the conference with your presence and your thoughts.

In our fourth edition of the conference, we are also keen to strengthen our international presence, and we are pleased to announce that Prof. Dr. Greg Richards (Tilburg School of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Department of Leisure Studies), an internationally renowned researcher and leading expert on creative tourism, has accepted our invitation to give a plenary lecture.


With best regards,

On behalf of the Organising Committee,

Dr. Zoltán Kaposi, Institute Director, Professor, University of Pécs, Faculty of Economics, Institute of Marketing and Tourism

Dr. János Csapó, Associate Professor, Co-Chair of the Scientific Committee

Dr. Mária Törőcsik, Professor, Initiator of the conference and Co-Chair of the Scientific Committee


Date of the conference: 5th November, 2021

Venue: University of Pécs, Faculty of Business and Economics (7622 Pécs, Rákóczi út/street 80.)

Sessions of the fourth edition of the conference:

1. Communities and networks in tourism (announced in Hungarian but in case of adequate number of international presenters, it can be organised in English as well)

2. Consumer decisions after the pandemic (announced in Hungarian but in case of adequate number of international presenters, it can be organised in English as well)

3. Business decisions after the pandemic (announced in Hungarian but in case of adequate number of international presenters, it can be organised in English as well)

4. Tourism and hospitality of the future (announced in Hungarian but in case of adequate number of international presenters, it can be organised in English as well)

5 Crises in tourism - winners and losers - resilience in destinations (announced in Hungarian but in case of adequate number of international presenters, it can be organised in English as well)

6. New target groups, new needs (announced in Hungarian but in case of adequate number of international presenters, it can be organised in English as well)

7. Sustainable and responsible tourism (announced in Hungarian but in case of adequate number of international presenters, it can be organised in English as well)

8. Wine and gastronomy tourism (announced in Hungarian but in case of adequate number of international presenters, it can be organised in English as well)

9. Local products, the importance of locality (announced in Hungarian but in case of adequate number of international presenters, it can be organised in English as well)

10. Key drivers of competitiveness in the tourism industry (depending on the number of applications, the English-language session will be divided into sub-sections)



University of Pécs Faculty of Economics – Institute of Marketing and Tourism

7622 Pécs, Rákóczi út/street 80.

contact person: Gabriella Varga, Szabina Végi

turizmusmarketing2021 [at] ktk.pte.hu (turizmusmarketing2021[at]ktk[dot]pte[dot]hu)



Please send your application to turizmusmarketing2021 [at] ktk.pte.hu (turizmusmarketing2021[at]ktk[dot]pte[dot]hu).

Application for a section with a presentation

Application with abstract 18 July 2021.

Content of the abstract:

Manuscript title in English and Hungarian, name and details of the author(s) (academic degree, workplace, e-mail contact), abstract in English and Hungarian (approx. 10-15 lines, between 1000-2000 characters), keywords (3-4 words) and acknowledgements (if the research or publication is supported by a research project, grant or fellowship, it can be written there).

When applying, please indicate in which session you plan to present.

Paper submission date: 10th September, 2021.

See the conference website for formal requirements. Papers will be double-blind peer-reviewed, with peer-reviewed papers being received by 10 October 2021 and final paper submission by 20 October 2021.



Application with abstract: 18th July, 2021.

Submission date: 10th September, 2021.

Reviewer’s opinion: 10th October, 2021.

Submission of final paper: 20th October, 2021.



Abstracts submitted for the conference will be published in a printed abstract volume with ISBN number, and papers in a peer-reviewed electronic proceedings with ISBN number.

The best papers will be selected by the members of the conference's scientific committee and will be published in the 2022 regular issues of the scientific journals Marketing & Management and Tourism and Rural Development Studies (and will not be published in the proceedings due to duplication).


For conference participants: 90 euros