Application Step by Step DOUBLE DEGREE PROGRAMME


Management and Leadership MSc – MBA in General Management


University Pécs Faculty of Business and Economics, Hungary

Woxsen University, India

Application Step by Step

Master's level

Step 1: Online Application

Please create your application profile using the website and upload all the required documents:

  • Copy of BSc degree in English
  • Copy of transcripts for all acquired subjects taken at WU proving:
    • you have the time proportionate number of credits and
    • have reached a study average of 7.0 over Term 1.
  • Language certificate (if any)
  • Motivation Letter (1 page max)
  • Recommendation letter from the MBA General Management Programme Director
  • Passport
  • ID photo
  • Professional CV
  • Your statement (form can be downloaded from that:
    • all requirements for admission to the programme are fulfilled, and
    • you understand that you can enter the double degree programme only if you successfully complete min. 40 credits of WU in Terms 1 and 2.

Application deadline: 31 October

Step 2: Evaluation of Application Documents

Once the application is submitted, the uploaded materials are evaluated, and the decision is made on whether the applicant is invited to an eligibility interview. The evaluation criteria are available here. You must fulfil all the criteria to participate in the eligibility interview. In this case, you will receive a "Not qualified" status. The decision shall be without appeal.

Step 4: Interview

An oral interview is scheduled with applicants and carried out by a committee. The applicant receives a guideline e-mail (on the e-mail address provided during the application process) approximately 5-7 days before the interview. If the interview is online, the applicant gets the actual MS Teams invitation with the link to join the meeting at the given time (be aware of the time zone differences). Eligibility interviews are organized in the first two weeks of November.

The interview takes approximately 15 minutes, and the committee will ask about your background, plans and motivation to choose the University of Pécs. You will need to talk about your previous studies, field of interest, work experience, etc. The committee might ask you additional questions; no previously set list exists.

Step 5: Decision

Based on the interview committee’s proposal, The Programme Director of ML MSc makes the decision within a maximum of two weeks from the interview date, considering the applicant’s score and the capacity of the master’s programme applied for. The decision shall be without appeal.

Step 6: Offer

If you successfully pass the document evaluation and the interview, you will receive an "Acceptable" offer. Please note:

If you pass the document evaluation and the interview but have some missing documents, you will receive a "Conditionally Acceptable" offer. If you submit the missing documents before December 1, you will receive the "Acceptable" offer.

If you do not pass the interview or provide the missing documents on time, you will receive a "Not Acceptable" status, which means the application is rejected. The decision shall be without appeal.

Step 7: Tuition Fee Payment

Once you receive an "Acceptable" offer, you must accept this offer in the online application system. As soon as you have done that, the system issues the invoice for the tuition fee payment. You must pay the full tuition fee; paying in instalments is not possible. If you pay via bank transfer, you need to consider that a bank transfer could take up to 10-14 days until it is visible on our bank account.

Tuition fee: 5150 EUR

Payment deadline: December 10

Bank account details:

Name of the bank

OTP Bank


7621 Pécs, Rákóczi str. 44.

Account number


Swift code


IBAN code


Name of the receiver

University of Pécs

EU VAT Number

HU 17783941

Comment field

Please put here your name and the number of your notification,

that you can find in the up-left corner in the format of #XX-00000000

If you pay with a bank transfer, please e-mail international [at] (international[at]pte[dot]hu) your proof of payment document to speed up the confirmation process of your payment.

Step 8: Letter of Admission

Upon receiving the tuition fee, the School’s International Relations Coordinator issues you the Letter of Admission. The scanned version of the letter will be sent to your e-mail.

Step 9: Arranging Visa

Applying for a visa is entirely your responsibility. Please check the website of the Embassy of Hungary New Delhi. As all the immigration-related tasks belong to the National Directorate–General for Aliens Policing, we do not affect the process.

We suggest you consider that obtaining a visa could take up to 8 weeks.

Step 10: Completing Term 2 at WU

You can enter the Double Degree programme only if you successfully complete Term 2 at Woxsen University and acquire 40 credits at least from Terms 1 and 2 together. Justifying this, you must additionally upload a copy of transcripts for all acquired subjects of Term 2.

Deadline for uploading a copy of transcripts for all acquired subjects of Term 2 is January 15.

By missing this deadline or failing to acquire the necessary number of credits in Terms 1 and 2, your application status will be modified to “Not Acceptable” immediately. In this case, your tuition fee payment will be refunded.

Step 11: Arriving Pécs, Hungary

After successfully certifying your Term 2 study performance, we look forward to welcoming you to the University of Pécs, Hungary.

You must arrive at our School by the start of the semester (beginning of February). Your study enrolment will be supported by the ML MSc Programme Coordinator at the Study Department. Before the official semester starts, you will receive support from the School to start your studies.


ML MSc Programme Director:

Ms Zsófia ÁSVÁNYI, PhD Associate Professor asvanyizs [at]

International Relations Coordinator:

Ms Eszter ROZS international [at]