Dr. Ákos Nagy

Dr. Ákos Nagy

Assistant Professor, Director of Marketing
nagy.akos [at] ktk.pte.hu
Please ask for an appointment in email.

Ákos Nagy is working as an assistant professor at the Marketing and Tourism Department and as the director of the Marketing Office. He earned his doctorate degree in 2016; his main research fields are omnichannel marketing, word-of-mouth, and customer valuation. Besides that, he is interested in almost every aspect of marketing communications (researching consumer insights, online marketing communication, marketing psychology, etc.). He is currently teaching marketing and marketing communications-oriented courses at the bachelor and master levels.  Since 2008, he has been involved as a participant or project leader in several market research and consulting projects.


Nagy, Ákos

Marketingkommunikáció – reklám, PR, értékesítésösztönzés

In: Rekettye, Gábor; Törőcsik, Mária; Hetesi, Erzsébet (szerk.) Bevezetés a marketingbe

Budapest, Magyarország : Akadémiai Kiadó (2022) 396 p. Paper: https://mersz.hu/hivatkozas/m998bam_f12_p1/#m998bam_f12_p1

Nagy, Ákos ; Németh, Péter ; Kemény, Ildikó ; Szűcs, Krisztián

Webrooming és showrooming Magyarországon: Omnichannel vásárlói magatartás a sportcikkek piacán

VEZETÉSTUDOMÁNY 53 : 7 pp. 79-93.

Nagy Ákos András ; Hornyák Miklós ; Fűrész Diána Ivett ;    Erdős Sándor

Úton a körforgásos gazdaság felé : Szisztematikus irodalomelemzés.

KÖZGAZDASÁGI SZEMLE (0023-4346 ): 68 10 pp 1109-1129 (2021)

Nagy, Ákos - Kemény, Ildikó - Szűcs, Krisztián - Simon, Judit -  Kiss Viktor

Are opinion leaders more satisfied? Results of a sem model about the relationship between opinion leadership and online customer satisfaction

SOCIETY AND ECONOMY 39 : 1 pp. 141-160. , 20 p. (2017)

Kemény, Ildikó - Simon, Judit - Nagy, Ákos - Szűcs, Krisztián 

Measuring quality perception in electronic commerce: a possible segmentation in the Hungarian market 

INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENT & DATA SYSTEMS 116 : 9 pp. 1946-1966. , 21 p. (2016)

Ákos, Nagy - Krisztián, Szűcs - Ildikó, Kemény - Judit, Simon - Péter, Németh

Opinion leadership, web shop effectiveness - an integrated model to predict recommendation and repurchase


List of publications

Curriculum vitae (177.75 KB)