Research ProjectsDoctoral programmes
- Innovation
Ákos Nagy is working as an assistant professor at the Marketing and Tourism Department and as the director of the Marketing Office. He earned his doctorate degree in 2016; his main research fields are omnichannel marketing, word-of-mouth, and customer valuation. Besides that, he is interested in almost every aspect of marketing communications (researching consumer insights, online marketing communication, marketing psychology, etc.). He is currently teaching digital marketing strategy and marketing communications-oriented courses at the bachelor and master levels. Since 2008, he has been involved as a participant or project leader in several market research and consulting projects.
Pham, Thi Van Anh - Ákos, Nagy - Ngo, Minh Trung (2024)
The influence of perceived risk on purchase intention in e-commerce – Systematic review and Research agenda,
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CONSUMER STUDIES 48 : 4 Paper: e13067 , 28 p. https://doi.org/10.1111/ijcs.13067
Nagy, Ákos - Németh, Péter - Kemény, Ildikó - Szűcs, Krisztián (2022)
Webrooming és showrooming Magyarországon: Omnichannel vásárlói magatartás a sportcikkek piacán,
VEZETÉSTUDOMÁNY 53 : 7 pp. 79-93. , 15 p. https://doi.org/10.14267/VEZTUD.2022.07.07
Nagy, Ákos - Kemény, Ildikó - Szűcs, Krisztián - Simon, Judit - Kehl, Dániel (2019)
A véleményformáló magatartás mint másodrendű látens változó modellezése PLS-alapú strukturális egyenletek módszerével
STATISZTIKAI SZEMLE 97 : 9 pp. 827-854. , 28 p. https://doi.org/10.20311/stat2019.9.hu0827
Kemény, Ildikó - Simon, Judit - Nagy, Ákos - Szűcs, Krisztián (2016)
Measuring quality perception in electronic commerce: a possible segmentation in the Hungarian market,
INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENT & DATA SYSTEMS 116 : 9 pp. 1946-1966. , 21 p. https://doi.org/10.1108/IMDS-09-2015-0398