Research ProjectsDoctoral programmes
- Innovation
Beatrix Lányi is Associate Professor at the Department of Marketing and Tourism, habilitated in 2019 and received her PhD in 2008. She holds a BA in Finance, an MSc in Marketing and an MSc in English Translation. Since 2024, she is also a qualified business coach and she is officially accredited as a coach and mentor by EMCC.
Her researches focuses on innovation marketing, sustainable innovations and health care marketing.
Since 2022, she is the Programme Manager of the PhD Programme in Regional Development. Since the same year, she is the Academic Director of the Hungarian Journal of Marketing and Management.
She is an active mentor at the Simonyi BEDC Entrepreneurship Centre and at the TalentSpot.
She also has lectures at other faculties of the University of Pécs, Pharmacy and pharmaceutical marketing as well as Health care marketing courses at the Faculty of Pharmacy and the Faculty of Health Sciences.
She has lectured at several higher education institutions abroad, including University of Ontario Insititue of Technology, Canada; Institut Superieur du Commerce Paris, France; Niels Brock Business College, Denmark; VTT Technology Studies Group, Finland; University of Sheffield, UK; ISM University of Management and Economics, Lithuania; Universidad de León, Spain and Bahcesehir University, Turkey; Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien, Austria.
Lányi Beatrix, Fűrész Diána Ivett (2024)
A technológiai innováció hatása a sportteljesítményre
Statisztikai Szemle, 102(4), 629-648.
Hornyák Miklós, Kruzslicz Ferenc, Lányi Beatrix (2023)
A kis- és középvállalatok digitális transzformációja – az online jelenlét és a versenyképesség összefüggései
Közgazdasági Szemle, 70(5), 517-543.
Lányi Beatrix, Hornyák Miklós, Kruzslicz Ferenc (2021)
The effect of online activity on SMEs’ competitiveness
Competitiveness Review, 31(3) 477-496.