Dr. Gyöngyi Bugár

Dr. Gyöngyi Bugár

Associate Professor, Head of Department (DMS)
bugar.gyongyi [at] ktk.pte.hu
B 119
Please ask for an appointment in email.

Gyöngyi Bugár is an associate professor at the Faculty of Business and Economics, Department of Management Science of the University of Pécs, Hungary. She has two MSc degrees, one in Mathematics and Physics, and another one in Economics and Business. In 2001 she has obtained a PhD, and in 2011 a Habilitation. Her research specializes in the areas of portfolio management and financial risk measurement theory. She has published in such international journals as Kredit und Kapital, ASTIN-Bulletin and Journal of Transnational Management. She has won four Best Paper Awards on the conferences of the International Management Development Association (IMDA) as well as the International Actuarial Association (IAA).


Bugár, Gyöngyi ; Uzsoki, Máté
Simulating and Back-Testing Risk Estimation Models
In: ASTIN/AFIR-ERM, Colloquium (szerk.) Astin / Afir Colloquium 2017
Panama City, Panama : International Actuarial Association, (2017) pp. on-line. , 1 p.

Bugár, Gyöngyi
Mérföldkövek a befektetési kockázat modellezésben
SZIGMA 48 : 1-2 pp. 19-32. , 14 p. (2017)

Bugár, Gyöngyi
Piaci és hitelkockázat-menedzsment
Budapest, Magyarország : Akadémiai Kiadó (2016)

List of publications

Curriculum Vitae (266.47 KB)