Research ProjectsDoctoral programmes
- Innovation
Mátyás Judit got her degrees in German and Hungarian 1985 at the University Pécs. Since 2000 she is teaching at the Faculty of Business and Economics, University Pécs, she is a member of the Institute of Marketing and Tourism. 2003 she got MBA-degree (Marketing), 2005 she gained the PhD degree in Applied Linguistics. Her research topics are marketing-management, reading methods of German professional literature, learning and reading startegies, marketing, advertising language, storytelling, international marketing, German business language, language teaching methods, business communication. Since 2007 she is a mentor of the double degree program Hagen-Pécs, since 2008 she is the leader of the language examination center BGE Budapest-KTK Pécs. Her educational areas are Business German, Marketing, Grundlagen des Marketing.
Vorbereitung auf die Wirtschaftsdeutschprüfung und – parallel dazu - auf die erfolgreiche Geschäftskommunikation
In: Germanica Wratislaviensia 130, (Hrg. Iwona Bartoszewicz, Marek Hałub, Eugeniusz Tomiczek) (2010), Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego. (255-265.)
Az idegen nyelvű szakirodalom olvasásának jelentősége napjainkban. Német nyelvű szakmai szövegek szótár nélküli olvasásának vizsgálata közgazdász hallgatók körében.
Olvasásmódszertani ajánlások (Monográfia) (2012), Pécs: Pécsi Tudományegyetem Közgazdaságtudományi Kar. Budapest, Országos Széchenyi Könyvtár; Leipzig/ Frankfurt am Main, Deutsche Nationalbibliothek
Challenges of Global Marketing Communication, Intercultural Marketing.
In: Jalil Khavand Kar: Intellectual Capital Management: Global Perspectives on Higher Education, Science and Technology, 2013, ISESCO, ISC, UNESCO and IICM, Zanjan: Nikan Ketab Publishing House. (249-261.)