Research ProjectsDoctoral programmes
- Innovation
László Csóka graduated from the University of Pécs Faculty of Business and Economics in 2015 with a Bahelor's degree in Commerce and Marketing, followed by a Master's degree in Marketing in 2017. From 2017 to 2021, he was a PhD student at the Faculty's Doctoral School of Business Administration, during which time he was already significantly involved in teaching and research activities. In 2021, he became an assistant lecturer at the Faculty and earned his PhD the same year. Since 2022, he has been working as an assistant professor at the Faculty's Department of Marketing and Tourism. His teaching portfolio primarily includes digital marketing decisions, the foundations of digital marketing, tourism software, and sport marketing, but he also supervise seminars about marketing calculations. His teaching activities cover both undergraduate and graduate programs. His main research interests lie in application-oriented studies, with a current focus on different topics from the world of digital marketing. As a secondary research focus, he explores the motivations behind the consumption of local products.
Lampek K., Csóka L., Hegedüs R., Zrínyi M., Törőcsik M. (2021)
Sports activities of 60 above Hungarian elderly-explaining and predicting impact of exercise on health.
BMC PUBLIC HEALTH 21 (1): 1863
Gonda T., Angler K., Csóka L. (2021)
The role of local products in tourism.
Lányi B., Jakopánecz E., Csóka L., Neulinger Á. (2024)
Versengő szempontok a magyarok élelmiszer és háztartási cikk fogyasztásában: Az árérzékenység és a környezettudatosság fontossága.
VEZETÉSTUDOMÁNY 55 (1): 27-38.