Research ProjectsDoctoral programmes
- Innovation
Kuti Mónika received her Ph.D. degree at the Faculty of Business and Economics in 2006. She started to work as an assistant professor from 2007, and she has been an associate professor since 2019 at the Institute of Finance and Accounting. She has been teaching corporate finance related courses in Hungarian and in English. She participated in the integration of a university-based crowdfunding platform into the educational programs and the university entrepreneurial ecosystem between 2016-2018). She has been developing several FinTech related courses over the past years. She was the program manager of FinTech Specialisation between 2022-2024, and the program leader of Business Development English Program between 2023-2024. Her research area have turned towards financial innovation after crowdfunding. She is the member of the ESG research group at the Institute of Finance and Accounting in 2024.
Kuti Mónika, Galambosné Tiszberger Mónika, Czigler Enikő (2018)
Crowdfunding campaigns launched from Hungary. The case of Kickstarter (Magyarországról indított közösségi finanszírozású kampányok. A Kickstarter esete.)
KÖZGAZDASÁGI SZEMLE 65 : 2 pp. 206-225. , 20 p. (2018)
Kuti Mónika, Hornyák Miklós (2017)
The trends of technology crowdfunding. (A technológiai közösségi finanszírozás trendjei.)
KÜLGAZDASÁG 61: 5-6 pp. 28-45. , 18 p.
Kuti Mónika (2017)
The interaction between corporate liquidity, investment and financing decisions. (A vállalat likviditási, beruházási és finanszírozási döntéseinek interakciói.)
Budapest, Magyarország : Pallas Athéné Domus Scientiae Alapítvány (PADS), 151 p.