Research ProjectsDoctoral programmes
- Innovation
Dr. Péter Németh graduated as an economist with a degree in marketing and was a student at the PhD Programme in Business Administration at the UP FBE, where he obtained his PhD degree in 2019. His PhD thesis was entitled: Grocery shopping location choices of generations of male shoppers.
He is particularly interested in innovative marketing research, including eye-tracking research, and the investigation of the retail sector, both at the academic and applied research levels. He is a member of the Omnichannel Research Group of the UP FBE and Corvinus University of Budapest.
He is a member of the PÉCS city – University of Pécs city marketing working group, as well as of EMOK (Hungarian Association for Marketing Education and Research), a member of the public board of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and responsible for corporate relations at the Department of Marketing and Tourism. Since 2016, he has worked on several grant/research projects (TÁMOP, EFOP, FIKP, RRF, JTF), in several cases as project leader.
Since 2016 he was assistant lecturer, since 2020 he is assistant professor at the Department of Marketing and Tourism. He is the head of the Consumer Behaviour Research Centre called the CoRe lab at the faculty.
He participates and speaks at professional conferences, and has participated as a speaker at Media Hungary (2019), Evolution Conference (2019) and Love Trade Marketing - Survival Strategies Conference (2023), also on Laurel Retail Conference (2024).
Törőcsik, M. – Csóka, L. – Németh, P. – Neulinger, Á. (2023)
Changes in the Attitudes of Hungarian Shoppers in Times of Crisis.
Financial and Economic Review. Vol. 22 No. 4. pp. 82-106.
Available here
Németh, P. (2023)
A magyar élelmiszer- és napicikk kiskereskedelem forgalmi koncentrációja 2010 és 2020 között.
(Hungarian publication; English title: Turnover concentration of the Hungarian FMCG retail sector between 2010 and 2020.)
Marketing & Menedzsment: the Hungarian journal of marketing and management. LVII. évf. 3. szám 5-16.o.
Szűcs, K. – Lázár, E. – Németh, P. (2020)
Marketing Research 2.0.
University of Pécs LIbrary.
Available here