Dr. Petra Rácz-Putzer

Dr. Petra Rácz-Putzer

Assistant Professor, Director of Sustainability Centre
putzerp [at] ktk.pte.hu
B 226
Monday: 12:30-13:30

Petra Putzer graduated from the Faculty in 2009 with a degree in business and economics (MSc). Between 2009 and 2013, she was a PhD student at at the Faculty's Doctoral School of Business Administration, already engaged in significant teaching activities. In 2014, she obtained the designation of certified public accountant, followed by certifications as a mentor, trainer, and business coach in subsequent years. She successfully defended her doctoral dissertation in 2015 and subsequently held the position of assistant lecturer at the Faculty from 2015 to 2017. She has been an assistant professor since 2018. She has made a notable contribution to the institution's management, having served as the Faculty TDK Secretary since 2012. From 2019 to 2024, she held the position of Head of Marketing at the Centre for Applied Learning (CAL). Since 2022, she has been the Head of the Sustainability Centre within CAL. Her teaching activities are primarily focused on the following areas: marketing calculations, marketing finance, responsible and non-business marketing, and CSR, ESG education in the Faculty's undergraduate and graduate programmes, delivered in both Hungarian and English. Her research area is corporate social responsibility (CSR), which has recently expanded to include the field of ESG (Environment, Social, Governance). She is also a member of the Faculty's ESG research group. 

MTMT code: 10021545

MTMT name: Putzer Petra Eszter


Putzer, P. – Posza, A. (2024)
Transition from CSr to ESG in Tourism – A bibliometric analysis.
Organizacija (Journal of Management Information Systems and Human Resources), 57 (3)

Jakopánecz, E.; Gerdesics, V.; Putzer, P.; Lányi, B.; Pavluska, V.; Törőcsik, M. (2019)
Cultural Consumption Patterns Among Lifestyle Groups in Hungary.
Interdisciplinary Management Research, 15, pp. 727-744.  

Putzer, P. (2019)
Social entrepreneur as possible future of CSR and measuring social entrepreneurial attitude among students.
International Journal of Multidisciplinarity in Business Science, 5(7), pp. 34-44. 

List of publications

Curriculum Vitae (268.44 KB)