Dr. Zoltán Raffay
Zoltán Raffay graduated at the Faculty of Sciences of the Janus Pannonius University in 1994 as a secondary school teacher of geography and English and as a tourism manager. In 1997, he obtained a degree in Economics as a Marketing Manager. In 1994 he became research assistant at the Centre for Regional Studies of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, and research fellow in 1997. In 2004, he got his PhD degree at the Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Pécs. From 2007, he was an associate professor at the Dunaújváros College, and from 2011 he was the acting director of the Institute of Economics and Tourism, Illyés Gyula Faculty of the University of Pécs. His special fields of interest are tourism and spatial development, accessible tourism, and ecotourism.
He was awarded a Bolyai János Research Fellowship in 2005-2007.
Since 2011, he has been teaching at the faculties of the University of Pécs, other Hungarian higher education institutions (Pannon University), and at foreign universities as an Erasmus teaching fellow or invited lecturer (Romania; Kazakhstan; Bosnia and Herzegovina). He has been the supervisor of two PhD students who have successfully defended their theses.
He is a member of several professional organizations: the Hungarian Economic Society; the Hungarian Geographical Society; the Hungarian Regional Science Society; the Association for Marketing Education and Research; the Pécs Academic Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, the Committee for Environmental Sciences, Regional Development and Urban Planning and the Tourism Working Committee.
BSc and MSc courses taught so far: Tourism Marketing; Tourism Management; System and Resources of Tourism; Case Studies in Tourism Marketing; Ecotourism; Accessible Tourism; Marketing Decisions in Tourism; Attraction and Visitor Management.
Farkas, Jácint – Raffay, Zoltán – Petykó, Csilla (2022)
A new approach to accessibility, disability and sustainability in tourism – multidisciplinary and philosophical dimensions. Geojournal of Tourism and Geosites 40 : 1 pp. 319-326. , 8 p. (2022)
Gonda Tibor, Raffay Zoltán (2021)
Környezettudatosak-e a hazai turisták? (Are Hungarian tourists environmentally conscious?): Turizmus Bulletin 21 : 2 pp. 4-14. , 11 p
Farkas, Jácint – Csóka, László – Raffay, Zoltán (2023)
Az akadálymentesség-természetű térélményszerzés sajátosságai utazástudományi tükörben (The characteristics of accessibility-natured spatial experience acquisition in a travel science mirror). Földrajzi Közlemények 147 : 4 pp. 325-342. , 18 p.