prof. Dr. Zoltán Kaposi

prof. Dr. Zoltán Kaposi

kaposi.zoltan [at]
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Zoltán Kaposi received his university degree from Kossuth Lajos Tudományegyetem. He earned his title Doctor Universitatis in 1989 and his title Candidatus Scientiarum of Historical Studies in 1994. His habilitation took place in 2003; later, in 2009 he received his title Doctor of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Between 1986-1990 he worked as fellow of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. He has been working for the Faculty since 1990 starting as an Adjunct; between 1994-2009 as a Docent. He has been a full university professor since 2009. He was the head of the Department of Economic History between 1996-2005. His research interest includes economic and social history, modernisation of agriculture and the history of urbanisation. He has been researching and publishing in these fields extensively both nationally and internationally. He has been teaching courses related to economic history, European Union studies, history of tourism, cultural and heritage tourism and urbanisation in the bachelor and master’s degree programmes of the University of Pécs Faculty of Business and Economics; he has also been teaching courses related to urban development and research methods in the doctoral programmes. He was a guest lecturer at both Hungarian and European Universities. Till 2018 he has 210 academic publication. He has been leading researcher of different projects, he was awarded with Széchenyi Professor Fellowship, Bolyai Research Fellowship and Habsburg Fellowship. His scientific research organising activity mostly extends to the countries of the Carpathian Basin. He won the Scientific Publication of the Year Award, Most Popular Teacher Award and the Golden Cathedra Award multiple times.


1. Uradalmak, földbirtokosok és birtokforgalom a Dél-Dunántúlon a 19. században. Budapest, 2019. 200. oldal. Mezőgazdaságtörténeti tanulmányok 14. ISBN 978-963-7092-85-5 ISSN 0521-4254

2. Agrarkrise in Ungarn, besonders auf dem Gebiet von Süd-Transdanubien, 1873–1914. In: Internationales Kulturhistorisches Symposion Mogersdorf 44. (2019) 157–178. old. ISBN 978-963-7183-22-5

3. Vállalkozók, vállalkozások és innovációk Pécsett a dualizmus korában. Marketing & Menedzsment LIV. évf. (2020) Különszám 1. 59–73. old. ISSN 1219-0349

List of publications

Curriculum Vitae (125.48 KB)