3-days Faculty orientation was a huge success

2019. September 4. 09:26

The program was held by the International Office in order to welcome the School’s international newcomers.

Nearly 60 exchange students (Erasmus and other exchange programs) and degree-seeking freshmen participated on the different programs during the 3 days. The practical “campus tour” and “city tour” showed the campus facilities, various departments students should visit regarding different problems and interesting places no one should not miss in Pecs.

On the Ice breaking party with the student unions ESN, ISOBE, AIESEC and the dancing university were represented. The representatives of these organizations held a short introductory presentation, talked about the activities and services they offer and played teambuilding games with the students. Participants had a lot of fun learning traditional Hungarian dance-moves with the Dancing University and playing the classical ice-breaking games. These activities helped the newcomers not only to know each other better but also provided some ideas where to turn if they are looking for international activities or groups.

The Hungarian crash course offered a quick insight into Hungarian language and culture. The training gave students a taste of the language. Its success is clear since most of the students were so enthusiastic the jumped right into planning to take Hungarian classes throughout the semester.

The program series of the orientation days were finished with an Intercultural Awareness Raising Training. This 3-hour training aimed to raise the students’ awareness of cultural differences. Participants were discussing topics like culture shock in groups, they exchanged concerning different etiquettes in each student’s nations.

The program hopefully helped students not only to form friendships within their new community but to have a smooth start of the term, too.