Career entrance in the business sector - the KeyStone Program

2021. September 13. 13:51

Hungary’s new knowledge sharing programme serves as a compass

for those willing to find their true north in the rapidly expanding world of business services and shared service centers. Named KeyStone, alluding to the stability that seems hard to find as a new employee of this sector, it answers a demand that has been present since this field started gaining popularity in the past years.

The initiative focuses on solutions

for new joiners of entry-level positions, specifically fresh graduates and carreer changers – the first semester is starting this September at the University of Pécs. Having just gotten a degree, many unique challenges await people. Finding their place on the market is one of them. Be it humanities or sciences, the business services sector offers opportunities to make use of the new skills and keep them up to date, working with a reliable employer and its customers.

The understanding of structures and tools unique to the business services field can be tricky to navigate,

as it is constantly growing and improving, even as one of the leading sectors today. This is why Knowledge Pyramid made it their goal to give fresh graduates the knowledge to make use of their knowledge, and started KeyStone. Sharing decades of experience in a concentrated programme, they motivate the new generation to grow together with the company of their choice, building a carreer.


The program is being organised online and the participation for this year's semester is free.

You can apply through this link.