FAQ - Distance learning, studies, exams and other current questions and answers

2020. March 15. 14:57


Dear Students,


we have been continuously receiving questions concerning the new situation. We are doing our best to reply each of these as soon as possible. We are working currently to assist the uninterrupted education at our University at the usual high quality, even besides the brand new conditions.


There are question that we are able to answer now, but unfortunately there are also questions the answering of which will take more time. The early spring break between 16 and 20 March, brought forward by the decree of the government of Hungary, allows us to answer all the questions asked after 23 March.


We have summarised all the questions that we have received so far, as we continuously will in the coming period, and the answers will be shared with all at this platform available for everyone.


We kindly ask you to share this link with your fellow students to make the communication as effective as possible.


Of course we are still waiting for your further questions at the form created for this purpose.


Let us stay in touch and please take car of yourselves and your loved ones!


Pécs, 14 March 2020


Zoltán Schepp Dr. dean


Frequently Asked Questions


What does distance learning exactly mean?

Distance learning means that lecturers will share the class materials (presentations and assignments) at the platforms provided by the Faculty (probably Neptun, MS Office 365, Moodle). This may take the form of presentation, video, literature to be processed, case study etc.

What assistance do students receive from their lecturers during this period?

Until the return to the normal order of lecturing, lecturers will provide students with learning materials and home assignments that can be ordered to their classes, so that students can follow their studies at the adequate pace. Keeping in touch with the students will happen online.

How will students be able to process the materials of seminars?

The materials of seminars will be processed through examples and case studies. A prerequisite of this is that students acquire the theory part from the literature provided by the lecturer.

Can all subjects be completed in the given situation in the form of distance learning?

Yes, the possibility of the completion of each subject will be provided.

As the Knowledge Centre is closed, where is the literature necessary for the completion of the theses available?

The Faculty will announce a recommendation for its students, involving all those online and free platforms where the literature necessary for the completion of the theses is available. This recommendation is already available here: Help with Thesis Writing - Online Literature Resources

How will thesis consultations take place?

Consultations will take place online; the primary platform for this is e-mail. 

Will distance learning happen at the same times as the normal classroom presentation sessions?

Yes, it is planned that they will be available in the hours fixed in the timetables, at the given platforms. Unfortunately, we cannot change our schedule and fit to every needs, so we ask our students to join to the classes in the original time slots.



How will in-class tests and examination be managed if the current situation lasts for a longer period of time?

Both the examinations and the in-class tests will be made online. The possible platforms for this are Neptun, Unipoll, MS Office 365 and Moodle.

How will final exams be done?

We are planning to have them by the usually procure as soon as the emergency situation is over.

How will I be able to complete the requirements of the courses?

You will be able to complete the requirements of the courses online, in the form of home essays, home assignments, individual work and case studies.

Should this situation last until the examination period, or if we write a midterm test and my internet connection is gone (it happens sometimes that I have to restart it and the process may last for 10-15 minutes), does it mean that I have failed the test/exam?

Lecturers will give time intervals for the completion for the examinations. Please, fill out the tests at times when you have stable internet connections. Naturally, if any technical failure should occur, please, indicate this to the lecturer and negotiate with him/her the necessary actions, possible alternative individual times.

Rules for final examinations in Spring semester 2019/2020 (8 May 2020)



Will there be any changes in the deadline for submitting the accreditation document for the internship?

The deadline for submitting the accreditation document for the internship has been changed to 16. 05. 2020.

Will the deadline for the submission of thesis be changed?


In the case of students submitting a dissertation this semester, we will waive the payment of late fees in case of late submission. The late submission date (05. 05.) has been set automatically for all students, so they do not need to request it from their supervisor.

Will the dates of final examinations be changed?

For the time being we are not planning to change the dates of final examinations, but of course the schedule of the school year will be changed as soon as the restrictions in force are eliminated, or if restrictions overrule the preliminarily fixed deadlines.

Will the dates of admission interviews be changed?

For the time being we are not planning to change the dates of admission interviews, but of course the schedule of the school year will be changed as soon as the restrictions in force are eliminated, or if restrictions overrule the preliminarily fixed deadlines. Of course we will have to wait for the position of the government of Hungary concerning this issue, as the dates set for admission interviews are fixed centrally.

Due to the postponing of language examination dates, will I be allowed to make a final exam at a later date?

If necessary, the Faculty will provide several final examination dates for the coming period.



On what devices can I access MS Teams?

The MS Teams application is available to PTE students on any computer (PC, laptop), tablet or even mobile phone. We recommend that you install and use the application on your device. For login information, help downloading and using the Teams client, and video tutorials, visit https://iig.pte.hu/teams.

Do I need a web camera in distance learning?

Not in each case, but you will probably need a web camera.

What can I do if I do not posses the device with the necessary capacity? 

Please, inform us about it at the following platform: https://ktk.pte.hu/hu/form/koronavirus-forum



If it is necessary, how can I stay in the dormitory?

A request that can be found in the appendices of the Rector’s Decree No. 3/2020 must be submitted through Neptun, as usually, under the menu Administration/ Forms and guides. For more information see Rector’s Decree No. 3/2020 on the operational rules of the dormitories of the University of Pécs and Leniency Application to the Rector’s Decree No. 3/2020.

How long is my student ID card valid, when can I collect the verification sticker?

Student ID cards with verification stickers for the first semester of the school year 2019/2020 will be valid after 31 March, for a period of 15 days after the elimination of the emergency situation, and will be accepted by the transportation authorities. Students thus do not need to come just to collect the verification stickers, as it is prohibited by the rules in effect.

How will I get the decisions concerning me and how can I submit my requests to the Study Department?

Please, submit your requests in scanned/photographed version, if possible, to the e-mail address to [at] ktk.pte.hu (to[at]ktk[dot]pte[dot]hu). Decisions made in connection with the requests and certificates required will be sent to students in scanned version or by postal mail.

Can I continue my internship if the company creates safe conditions at the workplace and / or is able to work within the home office?

The Statement No. 3/2020 (12 March) of the operational group on the activity of students of the University of Pécs carried out in their internship is amended as follows: students doing their internship period in the practice school institutions and other partner organisation of the University must suspend their activity related to the professional internship as of 13 March 2020, until the elimination of the emergency, if the participation in the professional internship – negotiated with the institution providing the practical training, or the partner organisation – is not possible online. This means that completion in home office is possible, in fact, recommended. If you have any problem concerning your internship, please, indicate it to Ildikó Hargitai or Norbert Nagy.