Important information

2020. August 17. 14:17

Latest information from the Rector's Office about entering Hungary for international students

Dear Students and Future Students of the University of Pécs,

In this message, we intend to provide all of you with important news and details regarding the forthcoming academic year. I know it is a long letter, but please, make sure to read it thoroughly as it contains vital information.

Under the pressures of the COVID-19 global pandemic, our main policy has been straightforward, and stays ‘Safety First’, in line with the requisite that we must follow the basic instructions regarding social distancing and personal hygiene. We do everything we can to maintain a safe and healthy environment for all university citizens.

Previously we have sent out a survey to you. If you have not filled it yet, please, do it as soon as possible:


According to Government Decree 341/2020. (VII. 12.), the Hungarian Government categorized countries and regions into 3 types based on the severity of the COVID situation in each: green, yellow, and red.

• Green stands for safe/lightly affected countries or regions.

• Yellow is for moderately affected countries or regions.

• Red countries or regions are the most affected countries or regions, with the highest counts of the newly infected.

The list of countries is meant to be updated weekly, on Wednesdays. The official list (as it was announced by the government on August 7th, 2020) contains only yellow and red countries. If you do not find your country of interest in the official notice of the Hungarian Government, it belongs to the green category.

1. Enter Hungary without restrictions

Anyone, regardless of nationality or status in Hungary coming from green countries or regions can travel into Hungary without any restrictions.

If you study in the field of medical and health sciences, and you will need to do clinical practice, special rules will apply to you. Please, contact your faculty coordinator for further information.

2. Enter Hungary with a preferential status

Students with valid Residence Permits (non-EU/EEA students) or D type visas, issued by the Hungarian immigration authority may enter Hungary from countries or regions with yellow and red status, and do not require a police clearance but they shall pass a medical examination at their point of entry into Hungary.

• If they are suspected to be infected with SARS-CoV-2, they will be quarantined at a location decided by the authorities (normally their registered address in Hungary or at a state-approved quarantine location).

• If they do not seem infected, they will still be required to stay in self-quarantine for 14 days but the requirement for self-quarantine can be waived:

o If they have 2 negative SARS-CoV-2 test results, both performed over the last 5 days prior to the entry into Hungary, at least 48 hours apart, indicating that they are healthy. The test certificates must be in Hungarian or English.*

o If, after entering Hungary, they are tested for SARS-CoV-2 twice, at least 48 hours apart, with a negative result, the rest of the 14 days is waived.

* All COVID PCR tests result must be in English or Hungarian for the border entry.

3. Entry into Hungary for those without Hungarian documents (valid Residence Permits or D type visas)

Students without Hungarian documents arriving from “yellow” countries, they will have to pass a medical examination at their point of entry into Hungary.

• If they are suspected to be infected with SARS-CoV-2, they will be turned away from the border and refused entry.

• If they do not seem infected, they will still be required to stay in self-quarantine for 14 days but the requirement for self-quarantine can be waived:

o If they have 2 negative SARS-CoV-2 test results, both performed over the last 5 days prior to the entry into Hungary, at least 48 hours apart, indicating that they are healthy. The test certificates must be in Hungarian or English.*

o If, after entering Hungary, they are tested for SARS-CoV-2 twice, at least 48 hours apart, with a negative result, the rest of the 14 days is waived.

* All COVID PCR tests result must be in English or Hungarian for the border entry.

Students without Hungarian documents arriving from “red” countries, are required to fill out a “Leniency Application” in order to cross the border. The leniency application is available on the Police's Electronical Administration portal. This page is in Hungarian, but the form is available in English, so do not worry. Go to the bottom left tile: “Államhatáron történő beutazáshoz méltányossági kérelem”. Then, click on it again on the next page. On the third page, you have the following options:

• COVID-01: entry application with logging in to “ügyfélkapu” (the Hungarian electronic administration system)

• COVID-02: entry application without logging in to “ügyfélkapu”

• COVID-03: appeal if your previous application was refused, with logging in to “ügyfélkapu”

• COVID-04: appeal if your previous application was refused, without logging in to “ügyfélkapu”

You will most probably need the option COVID-02, especially if you are not registered within “ügyfélkapu”.

The first question in the form is the Point of Entry. If you arrive by plane, start typing Liszt Ferenc Nemzetközi Repülőtér and it will show up. You can choose from terminal 2A or 2B, it must be shown on your plane ticket.

If you enter Hungary with a police clearance, the procedures listed above in Section 3 related to COVID-19 testing on the border will be relevant for you.

Meanwhile, please, note that it is important to start with the process of applying for your visa whereas, you will be notified by the Hungarian Consulate in your country if you need to submit a Leniency Application.


After landing in Hungary, we advise you to take a shuttle which offers you a direct ride to Pécs. This is the safest way to travel and it costs approx. HUF 11,000 (≈ EUR 32). Please note that the University of Pécs does not arrange the shuttle for you. There are two main companies which offer airport shuttle from Budapest to Pécs:

 Travel4You Airport Shuttle

 MECSEK Travel Airport Shuttle

These minibuses are sterilized before every ride, making it the safest option to get to Pécs. We strongly advise to always wear a face mask in any enclosed place, including the vehicles.

If you arrive in Pécs by road, make sure that you make no unnecessary stop and go to your destination on the shortest and quickest way.


Regardless of your departure country, upon arrival in Pécs, you shall go to the International Welcome Desk (address: Szántó Dormitory 7633 Pécs, Szántó-Kovács János utca 1/d). The following things will happen to you there:

1. Your documents (Passport, PCR test result (if available), other medical tests, Letter of Acceptance, dormitory registration, or proof of rented flat) will be checked.

a. If no further steps are required, you are free to move into the dormitory or to your rented flat.

b. If further PCR tests must be taken, the first test will be done there, and if necessary, we provide you with quarantine placement in a specially prepared dormitory building.


Quarantine placement will be available for students who need it in a specially prepared dormitory building. If a second negative test is also necessary, we will provide it for you 48 hours after the first one was taken. If you have been quarantined, we organize you delivered meals, and you will be able to join the classes online.

The University of Pécs provides the students with PCR tests for free, but special charges will apply for the International Welcome Desk service and the quarantine accommodation. More details on the exact fees are expected to come out soon.


The International Welcome Desk and the quarantine accommodation will be available from August 31st 2020.

So what happens if you arrive in Pécs earlier than 31 August?

1.           If you are coming from a ‘green’ country you can enter without any restrictions.

2.           If you are coming from a ‘yellow’ or ‘red’ country and you have a valid Residence Permit or a D type visa:

a.           and you have 2 negative SARS-CoV-2 test results, both performed over the last 5 days prior to the entry into Hungary, at least 48 hours apart, indicating that they are healthy.*: you can enter without any restriction and you don’t have to go to quarantine

b.           if you don’t have 2 negative tests, you will have to be quarantined for 14 day. If you arrive before 31 August, we cannot provide you quarantine accommodation.

3.           If you are coming from a ‘yellow’ or ‘red’ country, and you don’t have a valid Residence Permit or D type visa, please jump to section 3 (“Entry into Hungary for those without Hungarian documents (valid Residence Permits or D type visas)”) of the original letter.



The University of Pécs is ready for the forthcoming academic year, and we are prepared to deliver high-level education with various methods. Enrolment and course registration is available online, and if you cannot travel to Hungary, or you will be quarantined in Hungary, you will be able to follow classes online.

As you know we have a broad portfolio of study programs and each of them require different pedagogical methods, so for up-to-date information regarding academic matters, please, contact your Faculty coordinator directly.

We collect every information on this website:

If you have any question or need any further assistance, do not hesitate to contact us on the lajos.maria [at] or the international [at] e-mail address.

I wish you a pleasant trip to Hungary and hope to see you soon,

Prof. Attila Miseta

Rector of the University of Pécs