Student's success at the Prezilimpa presentation competition

2018. May 10. 13:56

Together with nine higher education institutions, the University of Szeged Faculty of Economics and Business Administration the Ezabeszéd Toastmasters Retorika Klub and the Ökonómia Public Benefit Foundation organised the National Prezilimpia presentation competition in Szeged, 27 April 2018.

Altogether nine students from eight universities competed against each other.

The judges did not have an easy decision to make in the finals either, because each participant was a winner of their own Faculty Round. After a long elaboration, they announced the winners of Prezilimpia 2018:

1st place: Luyi Pintér (BCE) won 250,000 HUF
2nd place: Ashish Jeet Mitra (PTE) won 150,000 HUF
3rd place: Nikolett Pócsi (ME) won 50,000 HUF

The special prizes:

Best visual presenter: Luyi Pintér, his prize: Dr. Prezi visualisation training
Most interesting presentation topic: Edina Várnagy, her prize: Tesla driving experience
Best presenter: Ashish Jeet Mitra, his prize: Tesla driving experience


Our student, Ashish Jeet Mitra wrote about the competition as follows:

„I think that this competition helped me experience various emotions of mine as I registered for the competition and till now as I'm writing about it all. Starting from a confident registration, to a low presentation making mood since I couldn't get it right, to my nervous faculty round presentation, to the delight of winning the faculty round, to the scare of seeing all the national level confident competitors, to the almost perfect presentation, to the realisation that I had done it and won; it was a great journey of my emotions. Through the competition not only did people including my parents start respecting me, but also I myself started respecting myself. For the final round I was contacted by a member of the Toastmasters International who was willing to mentor me and help me, and I had the opportunity to meet Mr.Prezi himself. Right now, I'm a proud winner, a confident performer and am willing to say that this competition has helped me in ways I didn't expect to be helped. I think every student who gets a chance to participate should do so and give in more than just their everything to win, and through that no matter the results, they'll be winners within, just like me.

Thank you again for this opportunity!


Congratulations to each participant and winners!