Research ProjectsDoctoral programmes
- Innovation
According to the Hungarian Higher Education Accreditation Committee decision number 2023/X/11/1., the accreditation of the University of Pécs is extended until December 31, 2028.
The Hungarian Higher Education Accreditation Committee held its institutional accreditation audit between 17-19 April 2023 including management and professional panels which was the base of its decision made on 15th December 2023. The Committee stated in its decision that the University of Pécs operates a quality management system based on the ESG (Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area) standards, partially uniform, covering the entire institution.
The institution’s quality assurance and development processes are partially planned, and its control, measurement, and evaluation procedures need to be developed. The relationship between the management processes and quality assurance processes needs to be improved, the management of education is adequate, the management of research is adequate, the doctoral schools need to be improved in terms of operation, and the direction of research is in line with the institutional strategy.
The supporting processes - financial, management, IT, facility management - and the infrastructure provide an excellent background for educational and research activities.
The Committee requests the submission of additional documents during the accreditation period, which the University of Pécs is going to complete.